Felicidade no trabalho: navegar o paradoxo no cenário corporativo | Ana Côrte-Real | TEDxPortoSalon
Na busca da felicidade no trabalho, as empresas devem ir além dos gestos superficiais. A mensagem é clara - sê autêntico.
A autenticidade é a pedra angular que transforma os empregados em embaixadores. Eles podem não ser felizes todos os dias, mas estarão ansiosos todos os dias para contribuir, inovar e exceder as expectativas. A felicidade no trabalho não é um mito; é uma realidade à espera de ser abraçada com autenticidade.Bio soon. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
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- 10:08Il mondo cambia grazie al giornalismo indipendente | Barbara Schiavulli | TEDxForlìNel suo talk, Barbara Schiavulli condivide la sua esperienza di giornalista sul campo, raccontando storie di ingiustizia, resistenza e speranza. Il giornalismo, per lei, è uno strumento per mostrare non solo il peggio del mondo, ma anche per costruire un mondo migliore attraverso il racconto delle voci degli invisibili, degli ultimi e degli eroi e delle eroine silenziose. Scrive per chi non ha voce. Scrive per chi vuole leggere davvero. Scrive per essere la differenza. Valigia rosa, stilografica e giubbotto antiproiettile con la scritta "press". Barbara Schiavulli ha sempre avuto il sacro fuoco del giornalismo! A tredici anni quando le sue compagne di scuola volevano fare le maestre o le dottoresse, lei voleva fare l'inviata di guerra. Ha raccontato tutti i conflitti degli ultimi vent’anni lasciandosi avvolgere dalle storie e dal caldo torrido dell’Iraq, dalle montagne dell’Afghanistan, dalle rovine della Palestina. Barbara Schiavulli ha scritto sempre. Senza mai smettere, anche quando i giornali la guardavano dall’alto al basso. È co-fondatrice e direttrice di Radio Bullets, un progetto giornalistico indipendente fatto di rabbia e amore che celebra il lavoro dei giornalisti indipendenti. Il suo ultimo libro "Burqa Queen" pubblicato nel 2023, riflette la sua scrittura sincera, diretta e senza filtri, capace di essere delicata e al contempo incisiva. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
- 13:45Milioni di cani condannati a nascere. E la colpa è solo nostra. | Sara Turetta | TEDxForlìNel suo talk, Sara Turetta affronta il drammatico problema del sovrappopolamento canino e le sofferenze che ne derivano. Un appello alla sterilizzazione come azione saggia e responsabile per il bene di tutti gli animali che ogni giorno finiscono la loro vita in un inceneritore, proprio come un rifiuto qualsiasi, o per quelli che restano rinchiusi a vita in una gabbia, solo perché per loro "non c'è spazio nel mondo". Dopo anni di volontariato nei canili del milanese, Sara decide nel 2002 di dedicarsi esclusivamente alla drammatica situazione dei randagi romeni, verificata di persona durante un terribile viaggio estivo nell’agosto 2001. Impiegata in una prestigiosa agenzia di pubblicità a Milano, nel 2002 dà le dimissioni per poter gestire a Cernavoda il nascente programma di sterilizzazione. Fonda Save the Dogs and Other Animals, una nonprofit dedicata al salvataggio e alla riabilitazione di cani randagi e altri animali, e da allora si divide tra l’Italia e la Romania, occupandosi a tempo pieno di dirigere la sede milanese dell’associazione e svolgendo attività di advocacy a livello internazionale. La sua storia, raccontata nell'autobiografia "I cani, la mia vita", ci ricorda che l'amore e la dedizione di una persona possono cambiare il destino di migliaia di creature indifese e rendere il mondo un posto migliore. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
- 11:03What happens if the Amazon dries up? | Tom Matthews | TEDxAmazôniaClimatologist and Explorer of extreme environments Tom Matthews makes the connection between the vanishing glaciers of the Andes and the health of the Amazon rainforest — and flags the risks of disrupting a water cycle that links the entire South American continent.A National Geographic Explorer, climate scientist and faculty member at King’s College London, Tom is interested in the social impacts of climate change. This drives him to understand the most extreme climates on the planet. His research takes him to investigate everything from deadly tropical heat waves to severe windstorms in cold-weather mountains, to map the limits of Earth's climate envelope and chart the course of change. His work reveals the interdependence between the glaciers of the Andean summits and the immense Amazon rainforest below.Explorador da National Geographic, cientista climático e membro do corpo docente do King’s College de Londres, Tom tem interesse nos impactos sociais das mudanças climáticas. Isso o impulsiona a compreender os climas mais extremos do planeta. Sua pesquisa o leva a investigar desde ondas de calor tropical mortais até tempestades de vento severas em montanhas de clima frio, para mapear os limites do envelope climático da Terra e traçar o curso das mudanças. Seu trabalho revela a interdependência entre as geleiras dos cumes andinos e a imensa floresta amazônica lá embaixo.This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
- 14:56Can Education Truly Change Generations? | Eela Dubey | TEDxDFBEDUIn this deeply moving and inspiring talk, Eela Dubey takes the audience on a generational journey that underscores the transformative power of education. She begins by sharing the story of her grandfather, who bravely left India to pursue education in the United States—a decision that would ripple across generations and shape the trajectory of their family’s future. Through this poignant narrative, Eela highlights the sacrifices, struggles, and cultural resilience that have defined her family’s pursuit of knowledge and opportunity.Eela then transitions to her own story, revealing how her grandfather’s legacy inspired her to build a company dedicated to making quality education accessible and affordable for Indian families. She addresses the pressing issue of rising education costs and the barriers that prevent many from achieving their academic dreams. With passion and insight, Eela demonstrates how one bold decision—whether it’s pursuing education against all odds or creating solutions to empower others—can create a lasting impact that transcends generations.This talk is more than a personal story; it’s a powerful reminder that education is not just a degree or a stepping stone to a career—it is a legacy, a tool for freedom, and a catalyst for change. Eela’s message resonates with students, parents, and educators alike, urging us to reflect on the value of education and the role it plays in shaping lives and communities. Whether you’re navigating your own educational journey or supporting someone else’s, this talk will move you, inspire you, and remind you why we must never take the gift of education for granted.Watch now to be inspired by a story of courage, resilience, and the enduring power of education to transform lives across generations. This TEDx talk was recorded at the Department of Business Economics, University of Delhi, South Campus, a hub of academic excellence that promotes thought-provoking discussions and inspiring ideas. Ms. Eela Dubey, Co-Founder and CEO of EduFund, is dedicated to transforming education financing in India. A graduate of New York University, she started her career on Wall Street at Quest Partners, gaining expertise in global finance. Her passion for social impact led her to work with the United Nations and NGOs, shaping her commitment to financial inclusion.While working at US Freedom Capital in Mumbai, she identified a major gap in India’s education system—the lack of accessible financial solutions for families. In response, she co-founded EduFund in 2020. The platform supports over 100,000 families, allowing investments starting at just ₹100, fostering long-term financial planning with 15,000+ active users.Beyond EduFund, Eela advocates for financial literacy through education. Her mission is to empower Indian families to invest in their children’s future, making higher education more affordable and accessible. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
- 13:56Why consistency matters more than you think | Niharikaa Kaur Sodhi | TEDxDFBEDUIn this inspiring TEDx talk, Niharikaa Kaur Sodhi reveals how the power of consistency transformed her life. She takes us through her journey of overcoming self-doubt and setbacks after losing her job, to building a thriving writing career and founding her own venture, Summit 21. Through her story, she demonstrates that monumental change often begins with small, daily habits and the courage to keep showing up, even when the path ahead seems uncertain.Niharikaa reminds us that success isn’t about waiting for the perfect moment or having all the answers—it’s about taking action, even when it feels uncomfortable. While many people have great ideas, it’s those who consistently show up and put in the work who ultimately succeed. Her story is a powerful testament to the transformative impact of discipline, perseverance, and the willingness to start where you are.Watch now to discover how embracing consistency and self-discipline can reshape your future, unlock your potential, and help you turn your dreams into reality. This talk is a must-watch for anyone looking to overcome self-doubt, build resilience, and create lasting change in their lives.This TEDx talk was recorded at the Department of Business Economics, University of Delhi, South Campus, a hub of academic excellence that promotes thought-provoking discussions and inspiring ideas. Ms. Niharikaa Kaur Sodhi is a writer, educator, and entrepreneur who has built a global community around personal growth, creativity, and the creator economy. With over 3 million monthly views on Medium and LinkedIn, she helps individuals unlock their potential through writing and digital entrepreneurship.Her journey began as a side hustle in 2020, and by 2021, she quit her job to pursue writing full-time. She has since become a 22x Top Writer on Medium, a LinkedIn Creator Accelerator fellow, and an educator with 12,000+ students across 30+ countries. Through her cohort-based course, Summit 21, she has mentored over 150 students in personal branding and content creation.A firm believer in authenticity, she collaborates only with brands that align with her values in education, the creator economy, and sustainability. Her work focuses on high-impact storytelling and personal branding, helping individuals and businesses communicate their mission effectively. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
- 11:19Chess & Complexity | Adit Sood | TEDxSharjah English SchoolCould a quantum computer checkmate chess itself? Adit Sood walks us through why solving chess is one of computing's greatest challenges, and quantum computing may be the key to solving it. || Adit Sood is a Grade 9 (Year 10) student at Sharjah English School and an avid chess player. He is a passionate programmer, aspiring to pursue a career in computer science and artificial intelligence. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx