The Power Within: Discover Your Inner Spark | Jill Tang | TEDxDKU
Have you ever stood at a crossroads, wondering what’s next? Jill shares her journey from a traditional career path to founding a global community that empowers over 70,000 women in STEAM. Her story proves that true success comes from embracing individuality, taking risks, and igniting the spark within. Jill Tang is a dynamic entrepreneur, community builder, and advocate for women in technology. She is the co-founder of She Rewires, a platform dedicated to empowering women to thrive in the tech industry. With a background in community-building and a passion for creating sustainable change, Jill has been recognized as one of the top influencers in her field. Her work has not only connected countless women to opportunities but also encouraged them to leverage their individuality and strengths to become catalysts for positive change in their personal and professional lives. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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