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Onboarding FAQ
Still have questions? Please take a look at the sections below or go to the Get in touch (linked) screen to access the live chat, ticketing systems and contacts.


What are the company's policies and procedures regarding compliance, ethics, and professional conduct?

Ex pro choro indoctum. Ne eos reque everti deserunt, id vis vidit postulant, sint augue solet nec ea. Scripta accumsan eloquentiam at sed, democritum liberavisse at quo. Vel no conceptam maiestatis.

How does the performance evaluation process work?

Primis graeci et pro, id viris dolore quo, in his scaevola praesent expetendis. His tation perpetua no, ad numquam molestie his, cu eos ferri tamquam. Ea ius iudico numquam lucilius, enim commodo no usu.

Business Glossary


A project management methodology that emphasizes flexibility, collaboration, and iterative development.

API (Application Programming Interface)

A set of protocols, routines, and tools that enable software applications to communicate with each other.

Assets Under Management (AUM)

The total value of investments managed by a financial institution

Cloud Computing

The delivery of computing services—including servers, storage, databases, and software—over the internet.

DevOps (Development Operations)

An approach to software development that emphasizes collaboration between developers and IT operations teams.

SaaS (Software as a Service)

A software licensing and delivery model in which software is hosted on a remote server and accessed through a web browser.


The ability of a system or application to handle increased workload or traffic without compromising performance or stability.

UX (User Experience)

The overall experience that a user has when interacting with a website, application, or other digital product.


The creation of a virtual version of something, such as a server, operating system, or storage device.