- 11:49人間を超える建築 | Hiroshi Ohno | TEDxKyotoUniversity子供の頃、この石いいなと思ったことはないだろうか?自然には人間ではまるっきり真似できない美しさというものがある。人工物と自然の織りなす常識を超えた建築の世界をお見せしよう。 「その場にある人と物を生かした建築」をモットーとする建築家。土地に根付く素材や職人の持つ技法を活かし、現地の生活を取り込んだ建築、人と共に生きる「イキモノ」としての建築をつくる。学生時代からフィリピン、インドなど世界各国を渡り歩き様々な建築を設計。NPO法人Studio on_site代表。大阪・関西万博会場内の20施設の設計を担う若手建築家に選出されている。 This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
- 15:44飢餓という武器 | Tatsushi Fujihara | TEDxKyotoUniversity飽食社会において飢餓は過去のものだろうか? 第二次世界大戦中に、3000万人を殺害する武器として立案されたナチスの飢餓計画をみれば、私たちが知るべき現代社会の構造が見えてくる。 農業史と環境史を専門とする歴史学者。京都大学人文科学研究所准教授。20世紀の食と農の歴史や思想の研究を通して、戦争、技術、飢餓、ナチズム、給食について考える。 分析概念として「分解」(ものを壊して、属性をはぎとり、別の構成要素に変えていくこと)と「縁食」(孤食ほど孤立してなく、共食ほど強い結びつきのない食の形態)を用いて、自然界と人間界とを同時に叙述する歴史の方法を考えている。著書に『ナチスのキッチン』『分解の哲学』等。 This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
- 10:33終わりがあるのに生きる意味 | Hitomi Kataoka | TEDxKyotoUniversity私たちは生まれるはいいが最後には100%死ぬ。この世界に生きる私たちの使命とはなんだろうか?また、私たちがこの世に残していくものはなんだろうか? 内科医として臨床に従事しつつ、医学教育と女性医師支援に尽力する研究者・教育者。岡山大学で博士号取得後、同大教授、ダイバーシティー推進センター教授を経て、2023年より京都大学医学教育・国際化推進センター教授に着任。地域医療貢献、女性医療従事者の復職支援など、現場の課題解決にリーダーシップを発揮。臨床・教育・研究を横断し、次世代医療人材育成と医療システム改善に尽力している。 This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
- 14:49Pause, Reflect, and Assess: The Influence of Our Environment | Ajnas Ahmed | TEDxWasedaUHave you ever wondered about what makes you, “you”? Is it the people around you? Is it where you live? Is it what you love? In fact, the answer is everything. All these factors create the environment you surround yourself in, which builds up who you are. With this in mind, our speaker Ajnas Ahmed, who is now a 4th year student at APU, will give an insightful speech focusing on the effect of your surroundings. With great examples from his own experience of living in multicultural homes, he will delve into the importance of being aware about the place you are in right now. His talk will surely open up your horizons about self-reflection in a new way. Learning about yourself provides a great opportunity for you to care about yourself as well as others, so we hope to give everyone an opportunity to start opening up your “care compass” with this talk. Ajnas Ahmed, a driven student at Asia Pacific University in Japan, delves into the profound impact of our surroundings on shaping who we are. With a rich background spanning three countries, Ajnas shares a poignant moment of realization that challenged his perception of "home," realizing it to be more than just a geographical location but a state of being. Ajnas emphasizes the urgent need for self-awareness, urging us to pause and reflect on the forces shaping us before it's too late. Inspired by the thought-provoking question of what makes us who we are, the speech promises to open up new horizons of self-reflection and deepen our understanding of the environments that shape us. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
- 12:15El increíble poder del humor en la comunicación | Marius Lekker | TEDxLeonEl humor es más que una herramienta de entretenimiento: es un lenguaje poderoso. Tiene la capacidad de romper barreras, hacernos reflexionar sobre realidades complicadas y transformar lo difícil en llevadero. Descubre cómo el humor puede llevar tus mensajes más lejos que nunca Médico graduado en 2016 por la universidad de navarra, hice la especialidad de medicina preventiva en el hospital universitario fundación Alcorcón, máster de salud pública por la escuela nacional de sanidad e hice mi tesis en prevención de infección nosocomial en la universidad rey juan carlos, he trabajado con el equipo de epidemiología del IMIM (Hospital del mar) y de PREDIMED, (universidad de navarra), aunque ahora me dedico a la docencia (profesor de medicina en el CEU Cardenal Herrera) y a la creación de contenido en RRSS como Marius Lekker, donde hago vídeos de humor, sanidad y curiosidades. El 29 de mayor publiqué un libro con planeta titulado "despacito y mala letra" This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
- 10:11El verdadero secreto del éxito: Tu capital social | Hector de Prada | TEDxLeon¿Qué es lo que realmente nos lleva al éxito? ¿El trabajo duro, la inteligencia, la suerte? En esta inspiradora charla, Héctor nos habla de algo que no se suele mencionar, pero que ha sido clave en su vida. El poder de tu gente: las personas que te apoyan y con las que compartes el camino. Descubre cómo construir y mantener tu capital social para transformar sueños aparentemente imposibles en realidades alcanzables.Héctor es emprendedor desde los 7 años, y con apenas 29, ha creado 3 empresas y participado en innumerables proyectos. Desde antes de entender lo que significaba esa palabra, me he dedicado a emprender. Y lo he intentado más veces de las que cabría imaginar para alguien de mi edad. Actualmente, comparto mi sueño con el equipo de Modular, buscando mejorar la manera en la que trabajan los diseñadores y desarrolladores web en todo el mundo. Y desde León, que también se puede. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
- 8:59The Art of Connective Thinking for Sustainable Change | Fay AlNajadah | TEDxSafat SquareThis talk is about inspiring individuals to embrace personal responsibility and holistic thinking to drive sustainable change in their communities and beyond. Fay shares her journey as a visionary leader, committed to diversity, inclusion, and sustainability, while emphasizing the power of individual action to create meaningful impact.Drawing from her extensive career in sustainability, Fay highlights her contributions to key initiatives, including Kuwait’s Voluntary National Review (VNR) for 2023, and her representation in prominent international forums such as the UN and the World Bank. She also reflects on her transformative experience as a Global Citizen Fellow with the Ban Ki-moon Centre, which shaped her perspective on empowering people for sustainable development.As a Choice Theory professional, Fay explores how impactful decisions stem from internal accountability and the use of holistic, innovative thinking. Her talk emphasizes that sustainable change starts with individuals making conscious choices that align with collective goals.Fay’s motto, “One cause, one hope & one person at a time,” encapsulates her belief in the ripple effect of personal responsibility in creating a sustainable and inclusive future. By sharing her story and strategies, Fay aims to inspire the audience to recognize their potential to drive change, one decision at a time. Fay is a visionary and passionate learner committed to a diverse and inclusive world. In her career she has made significant contributions to international, national, and voluntary reports vital to Kuwait's sustainability efforts, including crafting Kuwait’s second Voluntary National Review (VNR)-2023.With a Bachelor of Science in International Business from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Fay's diverse background equips her to tackle sustainable development challenges comprehensively. She has represented Kuwait in local, regional, and international committees and conferences, including those organized by the UN and the World Bank, and her speaking engagements span globally.Fay’s dedication to sustainability extends beyond her career. In 2019, she was chosen from 20 GCC women leaders for the Global Citizen Fellowship by the Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens in Vienna, recognizing her role in driving sustainable change in her community. She took part & created several initiatives that empower people and promote sustainable development in Kuwait & U.S.As a Choice Theory professional, Fay challenges perspectives and encourages impactful choices, believing that "Creating sustainable change begins internally when each person is responsible for their choices and uses connective & holistic thinking to generate innovative ideas."Her motto, “One cause, one hope & one person at a time," reflects her belief in the power of individual action to drive meaningful change. In March 2024, Fay was honored as one of the 10 inspirational women for the 2024 Achievement Award in Kuwait, highlighting her transformative impact and visionary leadership. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
- 8:58Sajambre, 1900: la utopía de Félix de Martino | Gonzalo Barrena | TEDxLeonReflexión de un profesor de Filosofía sobre la acción cooperante de un indiano, natural de Soto de Sajambre (León), que pudo replicar en su pueblo natal una parte de su éxito en México. Pensamiento utópico con vocación de realidad: calidad, acción común, continuidad y oportunidad en la iniciativa solidaria de un emigrado. Profesor de Filosofía, escribe e investiga sobre cultura y lenguaje local, interesado por la mirada autóctona del territorio.Ha participado en proyectos de conservación y representación museística del patrimonio. Interesado por las comunidades campesinas e históricas de la montaña asturleonesa, es co-autor de una novela y varios ensayos sobre paisaje y cultura tradicionales.Ha contribuido a la redacción de estudios y propuestas de difusión cultural relacionadas con el patrimonio inmaterial de la Biosfera, en el ámbito del Parque Natural de Ponga y del Parque Nacional de Los Picos de Europa. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
- 12:00El amor en 6 metros cuadrados | Sierra Jacobs & Ruben Sanchez | TEDxLeon¿Puede una pareja convivir durante años en un espacio tan pequeño como una plaza de aparcamiento? Sierra y Rubén, viajaron durante ese tiempo a bordo de una furgoneta de expedición que les llevó a vivir una de las aventuras de su vida recorriendo 60 mil kilómetros entre Europa y Asia, pero durante el camino, su aventura no solo estuvo fuera de la furgoneta, también dentro, donde descubrieron los secretos para mantener una relación sana en menos de seis metros cuadrados. Soy oceanógrafa, y una apasionada de la naturaleza. Mi carrera ha transcurrido como educadora, intérprete de idiomas y creadora de contenido divulgativo audiovisual. Mi pasado profesional realmente no me define como persona, sino mis creencias y mis acciones, las cuales están basadas en mi búsqueda de la libertad, pero sobre todo, en causar el menor impacto posible en el medio ambiente.Viajar y contar lo que veo con la ayuda de una cámara son mis pasiones. Soy un humano curioso al que le gusta explorar, probar, intentar y aventurarse. No me tomo muy en serio a mí mismo, pero sí a los demás. He pasado parte de mi existencia acumulando cosas y he decidido dedicar el resto de ella a recopilar vivencias. Intento simplificar la vida por donde se deja. Hace unos años dejé la gran ciudad para vivir en la naturaleza y explorando el mundo en busca de paisajes espectaculares. Soy nómada digital, intruso profesional, videógrafo de viajes, director de fotografía, náufrago de la vida y pastor trashumante frustrado. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
- 6:51镜头聚焦:努力成就非凡瞬间 Striving to Capture Extraordinary Moments | 梁沥传 Edmond Leong | TEDxPetalingStreet“不断拍摄才能遇到难得的瞬间。”街头摄影师梁沥传 19 岁时,每周都会到老鼠街拍照,尽管被商贩怒骂,他却没有退缩,反而想与他们交朋友。他把照片打印出来送给商贩,取得他们的信任。梁沥传认为,以朋友的身份拍照,比单纯作为摄影师更能拍出有灵魂的作品。这也是他喜欢街头摄影的原因。他认为跳蚤市场不只是一个地方,更像是一个社区。当地人不是所谓的危险人物,他们每个人都有自己的故事,都是为生活奋斗的人。梁沥传因拍摄跳蚤市场的照片,获得了国际摄影奖。"One must keep shooting to capture those rare moments."Street photographer Edmond Leong, at the age of 19, would go to Pasar Karat every week to take photos. Despite being scolded by vendors, he didn't back down; instead, he wanted to befriend them. He printed the photos and gave them to the vendors, gaining their trust.Edmond believes that taking photos as a friend, rather than just as a photographer, allows for more soulful work. This is also why he enjoys street photography. He sees flea markets as more than just places—they are like communities. The locals aren't the so-called dangerous people; each one has their own story and is someone striving for a better life.Edmond won an international photography award for his series on the flea market.#TEDx #TEDxPetalingStreet #TEDx茨廠街 #TEDx茨厂街 #Forward2024 #躍2024 #跃2024 #梁沥传 #梁瀝傳 #Edmond Leong #街头 #摄影 #Photography #Speakers2024 梁沥传是一位自学成才的年轻街头摄影师。在 21 岁的年龄,他已经取得了许多成就,其作品曾在意大利、波兰和苏格兰等国家展出,也屡次获奖。去年,他出版了他的第一本摄影册,名为《KiLat》。他目前在 Zontiga 公司工作,并开办摄影工作坊。他对跳蚤市场有不一样的情感,尤其是吉隆坡茨厂街附近的老鼠巷。他与当地人结交朋友,拍下跳蚤市场的日常,同时磨练摄影技巧。Edmond Leong is a self-taught Gen Z Street photographer from Kuala Lumpur. His works have been featured internationally in Italy, Poland and Scotland; he has also held photography workshops under Zontiga where he works. In 2023, he published his first Zine, Kilat.Edmond has a particular affection towards Pasar Karat, a popular bazaar located at the very heart of Kuala Lumpur’s Chinatown at Petaling Street, as this was where he spent his youth honing his craft in photography. He wishes to destigmatize the stereotypes of Pasar Karat by telling the unique characters that made up this now defunct Chinatown bazaar.At the tender age of 21, he has accomplished much — his colourful and vibrant personality contrasts starkly with his black and white photographs. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
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