How Social Expectations of Gender Hurt Society & Youth | Amalia Smith Duran | TEDxKelowna Youth
Amalia explores the impact of societal expectations of gender on youth and how these perceptions shape identity and opportunities. Drawing from her multicultural background and personal experiences, she advocates for a world where understanding and empathy drive change. I am an international student from Bogotá, Colombia. I have recently moved to Canada from South America and am in my senior year at Mount Boucherie Secondary School. I come from a mixed household, one of diverse ideologies, thoughts, and perspectives. However, most importantly, from a family of understanding and empathy. This has taught me to maintain an open perspective throughout the years, looking to learn from others whilst relaying accurate information to others -- all in the search for being part of the movement to create a society which keeps an open ear, is willing to learn and expand their knowledge regardless of others' irrelevant, human characteristics. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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- 13:11Quel type de formation adapté à l'employabilité des jeunes? | MPY NANGKERE BERTRAND | TEDxMoursalCette présentation aborde la question de l'orientation des jeunes dans le choix des filières de formations.Pour le conférencier, une véritable orientation permettra à la jeunesse de choisir les filières qui les permettra de résoudre les problèmes pressants liés au développement. MPY NANGKERE Bertrand est un ingénieur des Travaux formé à l'Ecole Nationale des Travaux Supérieure Publics du Tchad, Ingénieur de Conception à Polytech de Conakry et Ingénieur en Géotechnique et Infrastructures à l'ISBA - TP de Marseille en France.Marié et père de trois (03) enfants, il est aujourd'hui fondateur de l'Ecole M2E Polytech et Directeur - Fondateur du Cabinet M2E Ingénirie. Il est également Consultant Constructions Chez Enfants du Monde (EdM), ONG financée par la Coopération Suisse et Agence Française de Développement (AFD). This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 13:34Proyección social, ¿Es realmente una responsabilidad? | Oscar Eduardo Mendoza | TEDxFUCSCuando nos hablan de universidad, siempre pensamos en un edificio donde hay interacción de estudiantes y profesores a través de clases, exámenes, trabajos, lecturas… en fin, estudios. Sin embargo, desde sus orígenes hace ya varios siglos, las universidades se caracterizan por algo mucho más grande que está detrás de nuestra primera aproximación mental: el impacto social. Y es que el impacto social, se puede traducir como “servir a la sociedad”, y eso es algo que se puede enmarcar en la proyección social universitaria.Acompáñame a través de esta conferencia TEDx para que, cuando te hablen de universidad, cambies tu visión y la veas como una gran herramienta de transformación social que va mucho más allá de los muros y que nos beneficia a todos. Médico Especialista en Patología de la Fundación Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud. Profesor Titular de la Facultad de Medicina y Vicerrector de Proyección Social de la Fundación Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 9:21Prendere il momento giusto | Giuseppe De Candia | TEDxBarlettaSalonCantante, attore e regista, Giuseppe De Candia ci ha guidati attraverso il suo percorso artistico, affrontando temi complessi e attuali. Ha raccontato le sfide di emergere nel mondo della musica oggi, la frenesia del tempo che sembra sfuggire di mano e le difficoltà nel produrre un film nell’industria cinematografica italiana. Nonostante gli ostacoli, il suo messaggio è chiaro: credere in se stessi e amare ciò che si fa è la chiave per trasformare i sogni in realtà. A chiunque abbia un progetto nel cassetto, ha rivolto un augurio di determinazione e successo. Giuseppe de Candia (Molfetta, 21 maggio 1997) è un cantautore, attore e regista italiano. Avvicinatosi alla musica da giovanissimo, inizia il suo percorso artistico con una band prima di intraprendere la carriera solista. Autore e produttore indipendente, pubblica diversi album e singoli, collaborando con artisti come Frank Nemola e Filadelfo Castro.Parallelamente alla musica, dal 2021 si dedica al cinema, scrivendo e dirigendo cortometraggi premiati in festival internazionali. Tra le sue opere spiccano Scrivimi per sbaglio, E prometto di esserti Fedele sempre e Un amico vero. Trasferitosi a Roma, continua a lavorare tra musica e cinema, portando avanti una visione artistica autentica e innovativa. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 18:59MAURIZIO PALLANTE | Maurizio Pallante | TEDxCastel Gandolfo SalonLa Conversione Economica dell'Economia Maurizio Pallanto è attualmente Presidente dell'Associazione Sostenibilità Equità Solidarietà e nel 2007 ha fondato il Movimento per la Decrescita Felice. Ha svolto attività di ricerca e divulgazione scientifica sui rapporti tra ecologia, tecnologia ed economia, con particolare riferimento alle tecnologie ambientali. Successivamente, è stato consulente per il ministero dell'Ambiente riguardo all'efficienza energetica. È autore di molti saggi pubblicati da diverse case editrici e ha collaborato a diverse testate giornalistiche. Tra l'altro, collabora con Caterpillar, è membro del comitato scientifico della campagna sul risparmio energetico M'illumino di meno e della testata online di informazione ecologica "Terranauta". This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 8:49Entrepreneuriat technologique et croissance économique | ABDELSALAM SAFI | TEDxMoursalCette présentation aborde la question du numérique dans le développement de l'Afrique. Dans un pays comme le Tchad où l'accès au numérique est très faible et avec surtout les nouvelles technologies, il faut développer le numérique pour atteindre une croissance économique profitable à tous. Les défis économiques sont nombreux, les opportunités offertes par la digitalisation sont multiples et la jeunesse a un rôle clé à jouer dans l'innovation locale afin de transformer les défis en opportunités. Abdelsalam SAFI est un entrepreneur Tchadien, cofondateur de WenakLabs, un hub technologique et d'innovation qui accompagne les jeunes, les entrepreneurs et les porteurs de projets dans l'adoption des nouvelles technologies au Tchad. Depuis plus de dix ans, il oeuvre pour la transformation numérique à travers la formation, l'incubation et la promotion de l'entrepreneuriat technologique. Sous son impulsion, Wenaks Labs est devenu un acteur clé de l'écosystème numérique tchadien, initiant des projets autour de l'intelligence artificielle, du développement du web et mobile, de la civic tech et du renforcement des compétences numériques. Il a contribué à plusieurs initiatives visant à renforcer l'usage des technologies dans divers secteurs, notamment l'éducation, les médias et la gouvernance. Engagé dans la sensibilisation et la formation, Abdelsalam SAFI intervient régulièrement lors d'événements nations et internationaux pour promouvoir l'innovation locale et encourager les jeunes à s'approprier les outils technologiques. Il a récemment été invité à TEDxMoursal pour partager sa vision sur l'impact de l'entrepreneuriat technologique dans le développement économique du Tchad. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 14:26What AI has taught me about being human | Sirio Berati | TEDxUofTMississaugaIn "What AI Has Taught Me About Being Human," Sirio shares his transformative journey of overcoming aphantasia to unlock creativity through artificial intelligence. He reveals how AI not only redefines art and design but also deepens our understanding of human potential and purpose. By challenging the myth that creativity is reserved for a select few, Sirio inspires us all to embrace technology as a tool for transcending limitations and living a life filled with meaning and impact.Sirio Berati is a creative entrepreneur from Albania, acclaimed as a modern-day polymath and Renaissance man. As the founder and CEO of VISIONREIMAGINE®, he has empowered over 18,000 creators worldwide by seamlessly blending technology and artistry. An accomplished artist, singer, songwriter, and creative producer, Sirio has developed innovative AI platforms like LONOvm and TalkTune, showcasing the transformative potential of artificial intelligence in business and the arts.Rooted in his Albanian heritage, Sirio's work transcends cultural boundaries, aiming to redefine global perceptions of creativity and innovation. His philosophical approach to entrepreneurship emphasizes the synergy between human creativity and technological advancement. Through initiatives like #createwithoutlimits, he invites others to join him in reimagining the possibilities at the intersection of art and technology. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at