Building Bridges and Shaping Futures Through Youth Development. | Wayde Groep | TEDxStellenbosch ED
This inspiring talk tells the story of Miriam, a young woman from a small community who broke the cycle of poverty and uncertainty through mentorship and education. As a tutor, Miriam met Siphokazi, a Grade 4 student struggling with reading, and became the supportive adult who transformed her learning experience. Together, their journey reflects the power of connection, guidance, and unlocking potential in young learners.Miriam’s experience highlights the broader challenges faced by children in under-resourced schools and the transformative impact of having a role model who believes in them. At the same time, it sheds light on the struggles young adults face in trying to access opportunities and contribute to their communities.This talk emphasizes the importance of mentorship, community support, and investing in the future of children and youth. Through these connections, we not only shape futures but also create a ripple effect of hope, purpose, and progress. Wayde Groep is the Knowledge and Communications Manager for YearBeyond. In this role, he is responsible for reviewing, synthesizing, and producing knowledge resources to strengthen the brand and impact of YearBeyond and its partners. He also manages the Social Innovation Leadership Curriculum, equipping YeBoneers (youth on the programme) with problem-solving, design thinking, and social innovation skills and challenging them to work collaboratively to solve a wicked societal problem.He is a creative storyteller who believes in the importance of amplifying the youth voice, a skilled curriculum designer and facilitator with a strong background in community development.His unwavering dedication to addressing the challenges entrenched within South Africa's education and youth development sectors underscores his professional ethos and values of responsiveness and innovation. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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