Communication Beyond Language | Oraib Al Fozan | TEDxSafat Square
In the Arab regions, learning English can prove to be a challenge, especially in
adulthood. What is the underlying cause for it to be such a challenge? Why do many
perceive it as almost impossible to learn if you don’t have a foundation of the
language as a child?
Let’s discuss the best circumstances that foster learning in general, then let’s take it
a step further and discuss language learning as a child and as an adult, lastly we will
introduce personal beliefs and its impact on language learning. It has a very intricate
and deep relationship, on that I can assure you.
As we dive deeper into the study of psychology and education theory, a reoccurring
theme is found, our personal beliefs actually impact how we see ourselves as well as
how we respond to the world. This can also be true of how well we receive new
information, how we learn and how we reflect our understanding. I studied English
language and literature in university while also working as a TA, and then I went on
to teach English in schools (middle school and high school) and then have a brief
experience teaching in the Air force language center, and also adult learners through
my organization. A common theme has popped out to me for years, and it showed
how self-perception, limiting beliefs, and confidence were the major factors on their
impact on language learning.
When we think of learning English we think about the grammar, the rules, the
contradicting spelling (British English and American English)…at the end of the day,
it’s a language with its own system just like Arabic and other languages. Our
obstacle when learning the language starts with our mental blocks, our personal
filters and belief system. A growth mindset is needed to overcome these blocks and
achieve results.
To foster a growth mindset we need to embrace fear, we need to embrace
possibilities of embarrassment and a beginner’s mindset to truly break our own
barriers and achieve learning and growth! However, for many this can prove to be
challenging as we can sometimes get stuck in the fear zone, and even grapple with
our personal beliefs centring around the language we are learning, our motivation fordoing so and the fear of others’ perceptions about us as we do so. The beginner’s
mindset is a vulnerable place to be and it can be difficult to allow ourselves to be so
vulnerable in adulthood in comparison to a child. In order to truly learn English, as an
Arab or anyone interested in learning the language, practice is key yes, but more
than anything we need to change our mindset in order to leave room for growth.
There is this quote by Steve Harvey that I actually live by, “Get comfortable being
uncomfortable if you ever want to be successful”. This talk will wrap up by reiterating
what is needed to achieve success in learning English in the Arab region; and how
we can overcome our personal beliefs that can be both limiting and prove to be a
hindrance to our own growth and development journey. Oraib Al-Fozan, PCC certified coach and trainer. Student of Masters in Psychology for Mental Health and passionate advocate for humanity, growth and personal development.A favorite quote I live by since I first heard it is "Get comfortable being uncomfortable, if you ever want to be successful" and the power of that quote is something I extend to my clients,trainees, and students because I'm passionate about helping people rise to their challenges and elevate themselves.I worked in the education sector for about 10 years and have 3 years of corporate experience and now 3 years experience as a licensed coach and trainer with several different industries.The learning process never stops and it shouldn't, when we seek knowledge and commit we arrive at beautiful destinations. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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