Shining Through Rejection: The Super Stage of Moving On | Mireille Barsoum | TEDxNileUniversity
Dr. Mireille Barsoum delivers an engaging and insightful talk, using an interactive flashlight to connect with the audience. She sheds light on the many forms of rejection, especially in the job industry, and breaks down the five stages of grief, adding a powerful sixth stage—moving on, which she calls the "super stage." She emphasizes the importance of acknowledging emotions before rationalizing them, highlighting how the brain instinctively uses denial as a self-defense mechanism. With a mix of psychology and real-life experiences, Dr. Mireille inspires resilience, self-awareness, and the courage to keep pushing forward. Mireille Barsoum is a Strategic Marketing Professional and the founder of Methodz Consulting. She is currently the Strategic Marketing Consultant at the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center at NU, Professor of Economics at AUC, and Professor of Marketing, Positive Psychology and Critical Thinking at NU. She is the BBA program director and professor of Marketing, Business Innovation and Strategy at Monarch Business School, Switzerland. She previously held the positions of Marketing & Communications Director at Raseedy for e-payments and Nile University, and Marketing Manager at AMAN for E-Payments and Raya Social Media, Raya Holding. Barsoum is currently a Professional PhD Fellow in Strategic Marketing at Monarch Business School, Switzerland. She holds a Master of Science in Strategic Marketing from the London School of Business & Finance as well as an MBA from the Maastricht School of Management, the Netherlands. She is a certified Marketing Analyst from UC Berkeley, USA, and holds a Certificate in Marketing Strategy from Cornell University, USA. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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