Strong Passwords, Your Key to Cybersecurity | SARTHAK SANGARE | TEDxKharadi
In a world where cyber threats are evolving rapidly, your first line of defense is a strong password! In this insightful TEDx talk, the speaker unravels the secrets behind creating unbreakable passwords, explains their critical role in cybersecurity, and shares practical tips to safeguard your digital identity. Learn how a few simple tweaks can make your passwords virtually hack-proof. Stay ahead of cybercriminals—watch now and take control of your online security! Sarthak, 17, is an independent researcher passionate about STEM, entrepreneurship, and community service. He won IIM Rohtak’s Innovation E-Summit, interned with Samsonite and Infinity Cars, and founded 'The Sunday Club'. He has published research on cybersecurity, developed initiatives for underprivileged children, and completed courses at Harvard and Stanford. He’s also active in community service and debates. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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- 10:46Saving Singapore’s Seas | Sam Shuqin | TEDxYouth@ACJCMs Sam Shu Qin spoke about the importance of protecting coral reefs. She highlighted the issues of corals and other sea animals being harmed by man made items and disasters such as oil spills. Furthermore, she emphasized the importance of youth’s key participation in marine conservation as it would soon be their future to uphold. Sam is a marine conservationist dedicated to restoring coral reefs in Southeast Asia. Her work focuses on enhancing biodiversity on artificial structures, rehabilitating degraded reefs in urban marine environments, and collaborating with coastal communities on restoration initiatives. She is also the co-founder of Our Singapore Reefs, an initiative that raises awareness of Singapore’s marine biodiversity while fostering community collaboration and engagement in marine science and conservation. Through her expertise in science communication, Sam inspires diverse audiences to take an active role in marine stewardship. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 13:27The Hidden Barriers That You Don't See - But We Do | Kethlyn G | TEDxYouth@ACJCKethlyn G gave an insightful talk on the challenges people with disabilities face and spoke about how it is not the person with a disability that is the issue, it is the lack of resources available for the person that is. Furthermore, she also highlighted the importance of accessibility, how accessibility is about options, and how education about people with disabilities should start from us. Kethlyn G grew up in a world that overwhelmed her senses but was always told to “adjust”. She struggled with focus and was told she had ADHD. Her sensorial sensitivities made it difficult for her to succeed in an environment that wasn’t built for her. Now, as an educator, she realizes the problem was never her but how spaces were built. With experience working with at-risk youths and persons with disabilities, and being in a relationship with someone with a physical disability, she has seen how exclusion is designed into our systems, especially in education. Through her work, she challenges how we think about inclusion, advocating for independence over assistance. Her presentation, The Hidden Barriers You Don’t See—But We Do, invites audiences to rethink accessibility for real change. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 15:42The Stranger Space: A Year of Growth, Community and Courage | Genevieve Ong | TEDxYouth@ACJCMs Genevieve Ong speaks about how she found the courage to build a “Stranger Space”, an ever evolving third place where people shape it as much as it shapes them. She talks about finding so much respite and rejuvenation in this third place, that she decided to build one funded by the community. Moments of serendipity were commonplace in this “Stranger Space” that welcomes everyone. Furthermore, she provides a refreshing perspective on how routines are not about doing the same thing over and over everyday for the rest of life. Genevieve is a human with 2 dreams. The first, is to “play” for the “rest” of her life. The second, is to make for a better soul for Singapore, through the build of The Stranger Space. She was part of the village at Forest School Singapore (FSS) until The Good Death of Forest School Singapore in November 2024. She now extends her practice and learning at Stranger Conversations, buying time and making space to try on all versions of her adult self, the way she held space for children at FSS. It’s taking a village of strangers to raise this regenerated adult! This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 17:28Investigar: diálogo entre historias y música | Mark Ettenberger & Sandra Milena Hernández | TEDxFUCSEn esta charla , Sandra Milena y Mark discuten las convergencias de los modelos y enfoques de investigación cuantitativos y cualitativos. Exponen las ventajas y desafíos de una visión singular de un solo enfoque investigativo y relatan a través de sus historias y experiencias el poder de unir los enfoques cuantitativos y cualitativos para llegar a una realidad más inclusiva. Mark es musicoterapeuta con un gran interés de entender el rol de la música en la salud y el bienestar de personas y comunidades en diversos contextos. Es apasionado por la investigación de la musicoterapia en el ámbito hospitalario, y en particular, en las unidades de cuidado intensivo. Es el director de SONO – Centro de Musicoterapia (, a través del cual se brindan servicios de musicoterapia en 11 hospitales en Colombia, atendiendo a más de 12,000 pacientes y familias cada año. Mark realizó su doctorado en musicoterapia en la Universidad Anglia Ruskin, Cambridge, Inglaterra, y tiene una especialización en musicoterapia en neonatología (RBL) del Louis Armstrong Center for Music & Medicine, Nueva York, Estados Unidos. Es titulado de la Maestría Internacional en Estudios de Paz y Resolución de Conflictos, Cátedra de la UNESCO de Filosofía para la Paz, Universidad Jaume I, Castellón, España.Sandra es Enfermera, apasionada por la investigación. Doctora en Ciencias de la Salud y realizó una estancia Posdoctoral en Bioética. Profesora Investigadora Titular en la Facultad de Enfermería, Grupo de Investigación Perspectivas del Cuidado-FUCS y actualmente se desempeña como investigadora principal en diversos proyectos, la mayoría de Métodos Mixtos y con equipos interprofesionales, en las líneas de investigación: Jóvenes y salud, Cronicidad y calidad de vida, Cuidados paliativos y Enfermería de Práctica Avanzada. Además, cuenta con experiencia en el desarrollo de proyectos de Investigación Acción Participativa. La experiencia y liderazgo en investigación en cronicidad compleja, favoreció la vinculación como consultora del Banco Mundial. Sandra participó en la creación de una Unidad de Apropiación Social de Conocimiento ConcienciaColectiva de la FUCS, y es miembro fundadora del un centro de pensamiento que vincula tres universidades y diversas áreas del conocimiento (ciencias de la salud, derecho y economía) para fomentar el diálogo y la perspectiva transdisciplinar y aportar recomendaciones técnicas sustentadas en la evidencia. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 9:34What if the world's slums could be innovation incubators? | David Warner | TEDxBostonOne billion people worldwide live in slums with unreliable access to infrastructure and basic services. But these places are also hubs of creativity and innovation, where solutions to seemingly intractable problems can emerge. Kibera is one of Africa's largest slums, where residents face extreme poverty and environmental threats. An audacious project to bring water and build a community hub led to a incubation model that pairs local residents with academics and industry leaders to co-develop solutions. By working directly with communities to identify problems and opportunities, the collaboration develops equitable, stable solutions to infrastructure and climate resiliency for the residents. After 14 years of effort, the Human Needs Center has delivered a broad infrastructure of opportunity. A vibrant marketplace has been created based on community need, providing banking, water, sanitation, urban agriculture, education, job placement, energy lending, lighting streets, feeding 2,000 people per day, and fostering technology start-ups. The Kibera community now defines their future, and inspires valuable innovation beyond. David Warner is Co-Founder of the Human Needs Project and both the Co-founder and President of Redhorse Constructors, a premier custom builder based in the Bay Area. For the past four decades he has been working on new urban formations around sustainable and resilient infrastructure and construction systems, serving as an advisor to startups that are creating new materials and systems for this new urban design intent. The mission extends to the Human Needs Project, a collaboration of academic and industry leaders who are in partnership with local communities to address the lack of basic services common in underserved urban populations. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 10:59"Born Free But Chained ?" | S H Mehdi | TEDxJamiaHamdardBorn free, yet chained by societal expectations and cultural norms. This thought-provoking talk delves into the invisible barriers that restrict our freedom, from gender roles to personal choices. Through powerful stories and reflections, it challenges us to question these limitations and explore what it truly means to live freely. Shri S H Mehdi, Executive Director - HR at HPCL Mumbai, brings over 30 years of experience in HR leadership, managing 10,000+ crore investments and driving innovation in compensation management, manpower planning and organizational development. A global achiever, he has represented India in productivity enhancement programs in Japan and attended advanced management programs in Europe. Shri Mehdi is also an avid badminton player and a passionate reader with a diverse range of interests. Catch him live at TEDx Jamia Hamdard. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at