Pause, Reflect, and Assess: The Influence of Our Environment | Ajnas Ahmed | TEDxWasedaU
Have you ever wondered about what makes you, “you”? Is it the people around you? Is it where you live? Is it what you love? In fact, the answer is everything. All these factors create the environment you surround yourself in, which builds up who you are. With this in mind, our speaker Ajnas Ahmed, who is now a 4th year student at APU, will give an insightful speech focusing on the effect of your surroundings. With great examples from his own experience of living in multicultural homes, he will delve into the importance of being aware about the place you are in right now. His talk will surely open up your horizons about self-reflection in a new way. Learning about yourself provides a great opportunity for you to care about yourself as well as others, so we hope to give everyone an opportunity to start opening up your “care compass” with this talk.
Ajnas Ahmed, a driven student at Asia Pacific University in Japan, delves into the profound impact of our surroundings on shaping who we are. With a rich background spanning three countries, Ajnas shares a poignant moment of realization that challenged his perception of "home," realizing it to be more than just a geographical location but a state of being. Ajnas emphasizes the urgent need for self-awareness, urging us to pause and reflect on the forces shaping us before it's too late. Inspired by the thought-provoking question of what makes us who we are, the speech promises to open up new horizons of self-reflection and deepen our understanding of the environments that shape us. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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- 15:35How movement can transform fear into freedom | Arianna Economou | TEDxEleftheriaSquareHave you ever wondered how movement can transform fear into freedom? Arianna Economou, a dancer and artist from Cyprus, shares her journey of personal and artistic transformation through dance and creativity. She recounts her experiences during the 1974 invasion of Cyprus and how dance helped her cross from fear to freedom, using her body as a vessel to express what words could not. Economou's talk is a testament to the power of creativity as a bridge – not just between people, but between our conscious and unconscious selves. She encourages us to see every challenge as an opportunity to "polish the stone of self," transforming it into something precious and authentic.0:10 - Introduction 0:28 - Movement concept of connection 1:02 - Bridge as a reflection of a dancer, artist, woman 2:35 - Body & mind connection that helps to tell the stories 3:40 - Dance that connects fear and freedom 3:54 - 1974 Invasion of Cyprus through creativity 4:34 - Personal Arianna Economou challenge of bridging the gap 6:33 - Creativity is the bridge to our internal world 07:24 - Polishing the creativity 8:02 - Dance House of Nicosia that connects the new generation of artists 09:09 - Art and love arches of Arianna Economou 11:28 - Creative projects of Arianna Economou 12:21 - Conclusion Arianna Economou is a dance artist and dance activist. She brought modern dance to Cyprus in the 80s, co-founded the Dance House Lefkosia and was its director for more than ten years. Festival Director of the NO_ BODY Movement/Dance Performance Arts Festival since 2008. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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- 12:53Generación Cobaya: protejamos nuestra atención y salud mental | Roger Casas-Alatriste | TEDxLeonEn esta charla, el productor y escritor Roger Casas-Alatriste explora cómo la tecnología ha transformado nuestra capacidad de atención y nuestras relaciones. Desde el impacto del TDAH en su vida diaria hasta las estrategias de las grandes plataformas para captar nuestra atención, esta reflexión pone el foco en nuestra responsabilidad como la 'Generación Cobaya'. Descubre ideas concretas para navegar el mundo digital con conciencia, proteger nuestra salud mental y construir una relación más sana con la tecnología. Nacido en Toronto, criado en México y curtido en Madrid, Roger Casas-Alatriste es fundador de El Cañonazo Transmedia, empresa líder en España en formatos transmedia, estrategias de branded content y producción de contenidos multiplataforma.Es vicepresidente de Relaciones Internacionales de la Branded Content Marketing Association (BCMA-España), forma parte de la Red de Industrias Creativas RIC Crea y fue director de Industria España de MestizoLab. Además, dirige desde 2012 el podcast "Su Atención, Por Favor" por el que fue incluido en la lista de Forbes 50 Best In Podcasting de España, y ha publicado el libro "Tu Atención, Por Favor" (LID Business Books).Roger es TEDx Speaker y conferenciante internacional, habiendo dado charlas y clases en países como España, México, Argentina, Colombia, Perú, Bolivia y Costa Rica, donde comparte su experiencia en innovación de contenidos y economía de la atención. Bajo su liderazgo, El Cañonazo ha marcado tendencia en el entretenimiento de marca. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 8:49当运动成为一种生活方式后,闪光的你会惊艳登场 | Wei Ai Wei | TEDxShahe Street Salon在生活的舞台上,我们每个人都是故事的主角,而运动可以成为了开启我们自信的钥匙。 它能够治愈我们身心,让一个人变得更加的快乐; 它是对抗命运的武器,让一个人拥有改变的力量; 所以,相信我,运动会释放过往的压力,也会成就一个全新的你。 KOS健身工作室创始人、2019Miss Supranational跨国小姐澳门总冠军 This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at