信頼モデルがもつ力 - The power of the Credit model | Naoki Yajima | TEDxUTokyo
谷島直樹さんは、幼児教育に情熱を持つ保育士です。日本で保育士として働く中、自分の保育が本当に子どものためになっているのかと疑問を持ち、大学院で学び直す中で子どもの個性や主体性を重視する教育理念に出会いました。 30歳で渡ったニュージーランドでの保育現場では、言語の壁や文化の違いに苦労し、自信を失いましたが、保育園の他の先生が積極的に谷島さんを信頼し自分らしく子どもたちと向き合うことを励ましてくれたことをきっかけに、自分の強みを活かして「ハカ」というマオリの伝統的な踊りを子どもたちと共に行いました。これが子どもの保護者たちに感動を与え、自信を取り戻すきっかけとなりました。この経験が、谷島さん自身が、ニュージーランドで一般的な子ども教育における考え方である「信頼モデル」により引き出される力を実感した瞬間でした。 トークの後半では、子どもの可能性を信じて環境を整える「信頼モデル」を、子どもの欠点に焦点を当てる「欠乏モデル」との対比によって説明します。また、ラーニングストーリーという手法を用いて、子どもの興味や成長を記録し、彼らの個性を尊重した保育への効果を述べています。 トークの最後には、他者を信頼する前にまず自分自身を大切にすることから出発して、信頼の社会を築くことの重要性を訴えかけます。Naoki Yajima is the principal of an early childhood education center with a passion for early childhood education. While working at an early childhood center in Japan, he began to question whether his practices were truly benefiting children. This led him to pursue a Master of Education, where he encountered an educational philosophy that emphasized the individuality and independence of children. At the age of 30, he moved to New Zealand, where he faced challenges with the language barrier and cultural differences in the childcare field, causing him to lose confidence. However, his colleagues at the early childhood center encouraged him to trust himself and engage with the children authentically. This led to a pivotal moment when he performed the “haka,” a traditional Māori dance, with the children. The performance impressed the children's parents and helped him regain his confidence. This experience highlighted for him the transformative power of the “Credit Model,” a common approach in New Zealand's early childhood education. In the second half of the talk, Yajima explains the “Credit Model,” which emphasizes believing in children's potential and creating an environment that strengthens it. He contrasts this with the “Deficit Model,” which focuses on children's shortcomings. He also discusses the impact of documenting children's interests and growth, and how respecting their individuality through the Learning Story philosophy fosters development. The talk concludes by emphasizing the importance of building a society of trust, starting with valuing oneself as a foundation for trusting others.Having accumulated seven years of experience as a nursery school teacher in Japan and having completed a two-year graduate program, she relocated to New Zealand. Despite grappling with the English language, she worked as a teacher in various local nursery schools, kindergartens, and elementary schools for a combined total of roughly eight years. Her book titled "Working in a New Zealand Nursery School," published by Hitonaru Shobo, offers a compilation of her experiences and insights in New Zealand. This book was recognized with the 59th Japan Society for Childcare Research Literature Award.
日本で保育士を7年間、大学院2年間の勉強を経てニュージーランドに渡航。英語で苦労しながらも現地の保育園、幼稚園、小学校で教員として勤務(合計約8年間)。ニュージーランドでの経験と学びをまとめた著書「ニュージーランドの保育園で働いてみた(ひとなる書房)」が、第59回日本保育学会文献賞を受賞。 This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
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