Borders of the Past | Tomáš Michalík | TEDxTrencin
Tomáš Michalík is a lawyer and archaeologist dedicated to the preservation and research of cultural heritage. He serves as the Deputy Director of the Trenčín Museum, a consultant in cultural heritage and monument law, a guest lecturer at VŠVU, and a court expert in the field of “Culture”, specializing in “Archaeology”. His research focuses on the history of Trenčín and its surroundings, spanning from prehistoric times to the first half of the 20th century. Additionally, he explores genealogy and draws connections between the past and the present. He has collaborated—and continues to collaborate—on various projects, including work on Trenčín Castle and other museum sites, as well as projects at Beckov Castle, Ladce Manor, Vila K in Nitra, and the Trenčín Synagogue. In his free time, he enjoys reading and experimenting with prehistoric flint-knapping techniques to recreate ancient tools.
Tomáš Michalík is a lawyer and archaeologist dedicated to the preservation and research of cultural heritage. He serves as the Deputy Director of the Trenčín Museum, a consultant in cultural heritage and monument law, a guest lecturer at VŠVU, and a court expert in the field of “Culture”, specializing in “Archaeology”. His research focuses on the history of Trenčín and its surroundings, spanning from prehistoric times to the first half of the 20th century. Additionally, he explores genealogy and draws connections between the past and the present. He has collaborated—and continues to collaborate—on various projects, including work on Trenčín Castle and other museum sites, as well as projects at Beckov Castle, Ladce Manor, Vila K in Nitra, and the Trenčín Synagogue. In his free time, he enjoys reading and experimenting with prehistoric flint-knapping techniques to recreate ancient tools. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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