Does mental pain hurt physically? | Myo Pyae Pyae Kyaw | TEDxYouth@BrainworksSchool
Myo Pyae Pyae Kyaw @Miley, an 18-year-old Secondary 6 student, aspires to spark meaningful conversations about mental health and emotional well-being. With a passion for science and a curiosity about the complexities of human experiences, she explores the way we perceive and address emotional pain. In this thought-provoking talk, Myo Pyae Pyae Kyaw examines the striking parallels between mental and physical pain, challenging the tendency to dismiss emotional suffering. Through personal reflections, psychological insights, and real-world examples, she reveals how recognizing mental pain as equally real can transform the way we support ourselves and others. Her talk encourages us to rethink our approach to emotional wounds and embrace a more compassionate, understanding perspective. Myo Pyae Pyae Kyaw, an 18 Secondary 6 student at Brainworks International School Yangon hopes to spark meaningful conversations about mental health and the way we perceive emotional pain with aspirations to pursue science . She thrives on exploring complex human experiences and sparking meaningful conversations about mental well-being. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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- 13:32今を生きる | Masakazu Shinzaki | TEDxRikkyoU大学3年次に初海外でアフリカへ。「アフリカ現地で仕事がしたい」という漠然とした思いを胸に帰国するも、その後の就職活動で自分にも企業にも嘘をついてしまう偽りの自分に気付く。様々な葛藤の末、就職間近で内定を辞退。再びアフリカへ渡航し新卒でケニアのスタートアップへの就職を決断。その経験をもとに、不確定な未来に囚われず、自分に嘘をつかず、正直に行動する。そんな「今」を生きるという道を提案する。 異文化コミュニケーション学部4年/株式会社HAKKI AFRICA 経営企画室。大学3年次に、初海外でアフリカ大陸を一人旅。その後、ケニアの日系スタートアップにインターンとして参画。後に入社。 This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 16:43Unity in Diversity:Embracing Cultural Differences | Rayhan Ryzan | TEDxRikkyoUインドネシアの様々な地域、そして日本で暮らした経験を持つレイハンさん。その中で、文化・慣習の違いを超えてお互いを理解し、尊重することの大切さと難しさを感じたといいます。これを実現するために、私たちはどのような一歩を踏み出したら良いのでしょうか。レイハンさんが自身の経験をもとに、分かり合うための方法を紐解いていきます。Rayhan has experience living in different places and moving between Indonesia and Japan. Through those experiences, he has realized the difficulty and importance of understanding and respecting other cultures and customs. What steps should we take to achieve this? He will teach us tips to understand each other based on his diverse experiences. 立教大学社会デザイン研究科修士課程2年生 インドネシア出身。インドネシアの様々な地域に住んだ後、大学進学をきっかけに来日。現在は、インドネシアのマンダリン・ナタル地域における低所得者層による小規模金採掘(ASGM)について、政府と地域社会のASGMの解釈の違い、またその違いが生み出す未規制発掘の広まりという観点から研究している。2nd year master’s student at the Graduate School of Social Design Studies. Born in Indonesia. After living in different areas of Indonesia, he moved to Japan for his university education. His current research focuses on the political ecology of Artisanal Small-Scale Gold Mining (ASMG), examining how the Indonesian national government represents ASGM and how this contrasts with the local society’s interpretations, leading to widespread unregulated mining. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 16:28Dezbateri și argumentare. Dependența de...învățare. | Emi Beteringhe | TEDxPiataUniriiEDEmi Beteringhe vorbește despre cum activitatea de dezbateri ca instrument educațional preia în mod pozitiv unele dintre mecanismele psihologice ce generează dependența de social media la tineri și le integrează în felul în care structurează experiența de învățare, cu rezultate excelente: tineri care sunt mult mai angajați în învățare și care în acest fel capătă o serie de abilități esențiale pentru parcursul lor academic, profesional și personal. Mesajul lui este pentru oameni din educație și părinți, de a crea, respectiv accepta, experiențe educaționale valoroase și adaptate tinerilor de azi. EN: Emi Beteringhe talks about how debating as an educational tool positively takes some of the psychological mechanisms that generate social media addiction in young people and integrates them into the way it structures the learning experience, with excellent results: young people who are much more engaged in learning and who in this way acquire a range of essential skills for their academic, professional and personal journeys. His message is for people in education and parents alike to create, and embrace, valuable educational experiences tailored to today's young people. Emi Beteringhe este o figură emblematică în domeniul dezbaterilor academice din România, cu o experiență de 25 de ani ca debater, instructor, arbitru și trainer internațional. A fost președinte executiv al Asociației Române de Dezbateri, Oratorie și Retorică timp de 10 ani și este fondatorul Better Speakers, un program unic de debate și argumentare în limba engleză. Absolvent cu distincție al Masteratului în Education Management la King’s College London, Emi continuă să promoveze dezbaterile ca un instrument esențial pentru dezvoltarea gândirii critice și a dialogului constructiv în educație și societate.EN: Emi Beteringhe is an emblematic figure in the field of academic debates in Romania, with 25 years of experience as a debater, instructor, referee and international trainer. He was executive chairman of the Romanian of Debates, Oratory and Rhetoric Association for 10 years and he is the founder of ”Better Speaker”, a unique debate and argumentation program in English. A graduate with distinction from the Masters in Education Management at King's College London, Emi continues to promote debate as an essential tool for developing critical thinking and constructive dialogue in education and society. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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