The Art of Innovation through Hip-Hop (with ASL) | Rico Montero | TEDxFrankfurt
Ever wondered how Hip-Hop can transform your life and business? Dive into the world of Hip-Hop, a culture that breaks down walls, sparks innovation, and creates real connections. Discover how the HIPHOP Framework can reignite your teams, your businesses, and maybe even your life. Ready to lead? Let's create a new beat together!
Sign Language Interpreter: Day Heisinger-Nixon Together with a passionate team of educators, musicians, and volunteers, Rico Montero, the founder of Heartbeat Edutainment, runs this non-profit organization in Frankfurt am Main. Heartbeat Edutainment combines education, Hip-Hop, music, and media production to engage young people through innovative projects that promote democratic values and social engagement. Through these projects, Rico has reached over 100,000 young people. As a multicultural rapper, youth motivational speaker, and social entrepreneur, he empowers children and adolescents to shape their own reality and change the world. Despite personal challenges, Rico has become a role model, receiving numerous awards for his contributions to education, human rights, and democracy. His philosophy is, “Be the person you needed when you were younger.” With tireless dedication to equal opportunities and peace, he continuously works to advance these ideals. Rico tirelessly strives to create a better and fairer world. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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