Why Literacy Advocacy Matters More Now Than Ever | RT Parveen | TEDxMonte Sereno Youth
An insightful perspective on promoting literacy from the mind of a 3rd grader. The youngest sibling with the biggest personality. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
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- 18:38Cos'è la vita | Gianvito Martino | TEDxReggioEmiliaIn questo affascinante intervento, il Professor Gianvito De Martino esplora la complessità della vita attraverso una lente multidisciplinare che unisce fisica, chimica, biologia e psicologia. Con un approccio basato sul modello emergentista, De Martino ci conduce in un viaggio che parte dagli atomi e dalle molecole fino ad arrivare alla mente umana, un’entità materiale ed emergente capace di influenzare e trasformare la nostra stessa biologia attraverso l’epigenetica. Qual è il ruolo dello stress, delle relazioni e dell'ambiente nella nostra esistenza? Come possiamo plasmare il nostro futuro e quello delle generazioni successive, andando oltre i limiti imposti dal DNA? De Martino ci invita a scoprire il nostro potere di scelta, ricordandoci che non siamo predestinati: l’educazione e la consapevolezza possono diventare strumenti potenti per determinare il nostro destino. Un discorso che sfida il determinismo genetico, celebra il coraggio della conoscenza e ci ispira a vedere la vita come un ecosistema in cui mente, corpo e ambiente si influenzano reciprocamente. /// With this fascinating speech, Professor Gianvito De Martino explores the complexity of life through a multidisciplinary lens connecting physics, chemistry, biology and psychology. With an approach based on an emergentist model, De Martino guides us through a journey that starts from atoms and molecules, up to the human mind, an emerging and material entity which is able to influence and transform our own biologic system through epigenetics. What is the role of stress, relationships and environment in our existence? How can we shape our own and the next generations’ future, by going beyond the limits imposed by DNA? De Martino invites people to discover the power of choice, and reminds them that they are not destined: education and awareness can become powerful instruments to determine their own fate. This speech challenges genetic determinism and celebrates the courage of knowledge, an inspiration to see life as an ecosystem where mind, body and environment are all influenced by each other. Gianvito Martino nasce a Bergamo nel 1962. Si laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia presso l’Università di Pavia, dove si specializza in Neurologia. Ha trascorso periodi di ricerca presso il Karolinska Institute di Stoccolma e l’Università di Chicago. Dal 2016 è Direttore Scientifico dell’Ospedale San Raffaele di Milano e Professore ordinario di Biologia Applicata presso l’Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele. È stato tra i fondatori dell’Associazione Italiana di Neuroimmunologia e ha ricevuto il Premio Rita Levi-Montalcini. È autore di oltre 300 articoli scientifici e si impegna costantemente a trovare nuove soluzioni per migliorare la qualità della vita dei pazienti con malattie neurologiche. Ama la lettura, i viaggi e promuovere il dialogo tra scienza e società, convinto che la conoscenza debba sempre essere condivisa. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
- 18:21Lasst uns die Demokratie gegen Hass im Internet verteidigen! | Josephine Ballon | TEDxMünsterIn ihrem Talk bei TEDxMünster beleuchtet Josephine wie zunehmende digitale Gewalt und die rechenschaftslose Macht sozialer Netzwerke die Demokratie bedrohen. Sie erklärt, wie die Unterstützung Betroffener, Rechtsdurchsetzung und gesellschaftliches Engagement, die Meinungsfreiheit gestärkt und ein offener wieder Diskurs ermöglicht werden kann. Ihr Vortrag wirft die Frage auf, warum wir Gewalt im digitalen Raum anders behandeln als auf der Straße und inspiriert dazu, selbst zum Wegbereiter eines demokratischen und respektvollen Internets zu werden.Let’s defend democracy against hate on the internet!Josephine Ballon is a lawyer and Co-CEO of HateAid, an organization dedicated to protecting human rights in the digital sphere. Through her work, she fights against digital violence and ensures that those affected have access to justice. Josephine is committed to defending human dignity and making the internet a positive space once again. In her talk, Josephine examines how the rise of digital violence and the unaccountable power of social networks threaten democracy. She explains how supporting victims, enforcing laws, and fostering societal engagement can strengthen freedom of expression and enable open discourse. Her talk raises the question of why we treat violence in the digital space differently from violence on the street and inspires individuals to become pioneers for a democratic and respectful internet. Josephine Ballon ist Anwältin und Co-CEO von HateAid, einer Organisation, die sich für Menschenrechte im digitalen Raum einsetzt. Mit ihrer Arbeit setzt sie sich gegen digitale Gewalt ein und ermöglicht Betroffenen Zugang zum Recht. Josephine tritt an, um die Menschenwürde zu verteidigen und das Internet wieder zu einem positiven Ort zu machen. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
- 17:32Niederlagen sind der beste Schlüssel zu mehr Souveränität | Lutz Herkenrath | TEDxMünsterIn seinem Talk bei TEDxMünster teilt Lutz seine Erkenntnisse über das Thema Souveränität – ein sehnlicher Wunsch vieler junger Menschen. Heute, mit mehr Lebenserfahrung, gibt er uns zwei wertvolle Tipps, wie wir souveräner auftreten können. Mit Humor, Offenheit und tiefem Einblick erzählt er dabei auch von seiner größten persönlichen Niederlage und wie sie ihn geprägt hat. Ein Vortrag, der inspiriert, motiviert und uns anspornt, an uns selbst zu arbeiten und die Tipps für wahre Souveränität in die Praxis umzusetzen.Defeats are the best key to greater sovereignty.In this TEDxTalk, Lutz Herkenrath, an actor and trainer with an impressive career, takes us into the world of sovereignty. With over 500 radio plays, more than 1,000 theater performances, and over 280 film and television productions, Lutz is one of Germany’s most versatile artists. He has been honored for his outstanding achievements, including receiving the German Comedy Award and the Rolf Mares Prize. Since 2005, he has been successfully sharing his expertise as a trainer throughout the German-speaking world. In this talk, Lutz shares his insights on the topic of sovereignty – a deep desire for many young people. Now, with more life experience, he offers two valuable tips on how we can present ourselves more confidently. With humor, openness, and profound reflection, he also shares the story of his greatest personal defeat and how it shaped him. This is a talk that inspires, motivates, and encourages us to work on ourselves and put the tips for true sovereignty into practice. Lutz Herkenrath ist Schauspieler und Trainer mit beeindruckender Karriere, in die Welt der Souveränität. Mit über 500 Hörspielen, mehr als 1.000 Theaterauftritten und über 280 Film- und Fernsehproduktionen gehört Lutz zu den vielseitigsten Künstlern Deutschlands. Für seine herausragenden Leistungen wurde er unter anderem mit dem Deutschen Comedy-Preis und dem Rolf-Mares-Preis ausgezeichnet. Seit 2005 teilt er sein Wissen erfolgreich als Trainer im gesamten deutschsprachigen Raum. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
- 11:08Cultural Awareness | Shannon Wellwood | TEDxDaresSalaamIntlAcademyCultural Intelligence (CQ) comes to us through lived experiences as we interact with different people in different circumstances. We grow from concepts and ideas we know about culture when we incorporate a commitment to understand and act on our knowledge. This Head, Heart, and Hands is all required to move from intercultural understanding to cultural intelligence. The speaker walks through her 36 years of living in a variety of cultures. Dr. Shannon Wellwood is the Executive Director of Dar es Salaam International Academy and is an experienced leader in international schools. Shannon is an authority in intercultural relations and CQ, hoping to lead institutions away from just cultural awareness into cultural interaction. Shannon was born and raised in Canada, the oldest of six siblings. At 20, she moved to Japan where she married and raised four children who now live in four different countries. Unfortunately, she was successful in raising them independently. Tanzania is Shannon’s sixth country of residence and 30th country to visit. At DIA, Shannon is excited to be engaged in a community which places great importance on diversity and honoring the uniqueness of all individuals. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
- 13:11Turning Failure into Innovation | Mohammed Al-Qassabi | TEDxYouth@DPSMIS10th Edition of TEDxYouth@DPSMIS at DPS-Modern Indian School, Qatar Mohammed Al-Qassabi is a pioneering innovator, youth advocate, and cybersecurity specialist from Qatar. He graduated with Honors in Information Systems from Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar and is currently pursuing a Master’s in Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity at the University of Doha for Science and Technology. Mohammed is the inventor of OPAS, a groundbreaking AI-based system that enhances fairness and accuracy in football.As the Head of the Robotics and AI Department at Qatar Scientific Club, Mohammed mentors young innovators and inspires future leaders. He has won numerous prestigious awards, including recognition as one of the top Arab inventors in Stars of Science. Mohammed’s journey is a testament to perseverance, creativity, and the power of innovation to drive change. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
- 4:56Following a dream of becoming CEO | Luna Raad | TEDxESCP LondonWhat makes a great entrepreneur? In this inspiring talk, the speaker dives into the power of crafting your own narrative, building a vision, and embracing challenges as opportunities. Sharing personal experiences in marketing and entrepreneurship, they reveal how adaptability and community play crucial roles in success. Whether you're starting a business, shaping your personal brand, or looking for motivation to follow your passion, this talk provides a simple yet powerful framework to help you take the next step toward your dreams. Talk: Following a dream of becoming CEO This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx