We Have Met The Enemy And They Are Us | Jeffery Getty | TEDxMcDonough
In his TEDx talk, We Have Met the Enemy and They Are Us, Jeffery Getty addresses a critical issue facing baby boomer business owners: the lack of realistic succession plans. He explores how unpreparedness and unrealistic expectations for the next generation are jeopardizing the legacy and future of their businesses. With candid insights and thought-provoking solutions, Jeffery challenges business owners to rethink their approach to succession planning and ensure a smoother transition for future leaders. For nearly three decades, Jeff Getty has designed and implemented strategies with a goal of maximizing the after-tax value of businesses during a transition or transaction. At Callan Family Office, he co-leads the business advisory practice, providing comprehensive services that strive to allow clients to optimize the value of their businesses throughout the business lifecycle.Immediately prior to joining Callan Family Office, Jeff was Managing Director of the Family Wealth Consulting Team at Key Private Bank. During his 14-year tenure, he founded the practice, growing it to a team of 12 people who advised on 35-40 transactions per year.As a tax attorney, Jeff counseled clients on a variety of tax matters, including comprehensive transactional tax advice designed to reduce the variety of taxes that impact a business during the sale process. Additionally, as a M&A advisor he worked with clients several years before a transition or sale to evaluate, design and implement creative strategies and further position their companies to attempt to generate maximum value.Jeff earned his bachelor’s degree in political science from the College of Charleston in Charleston, S.C., his JD from the University of Pittsburgh, School of Law, and his Master of Science degree in tax from Duquesne University in Pittsburgh. He is a co-author of a book on asset protection strategies, has published over a dozen articles on a wide range of professional periodicals, and is the author of the bestselling book: “The Descent is the Real Climb: The Unexpected Truths About Successful Business Transitions.” In 2017 Jeff was elected as a Fellow by the American College of Trust & Estate Counsel (ACTEC) in recognition of his contributions in the field of trusts and estate law. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
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