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Vivre par désir plutôt que par défaut | Pauline Palmade | TEDxNeoma BS Paris

Elle a quitté une carrière prestigieuse chez Chanel pour créer Mumazing, le Doctolib de la maternité. Elle prône l’audace et l’acceptation du risque pour choisir une vie par désir et non par défaut. After an impressive career at Chanel, Pauline is now the founder of Mumazing, an app that brings together health, wellness, leisure, and personal development services for a serene, enriching, and fulfilling maternity experience. ✨ ?Mumazing was selected as one of the top 50 finalists (out of over 600 applicants in France!) in the #BFMAcademie competition, which aims to highlight "audacious and innovative entrepreneurs ready to shake up the French economy." ? This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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