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Alternatives to animal testing | Haeun (Chloe) Chae | TEDxChadwick International School

Through my speech, the audience will learn what animals in labs are undergoing, as well as some easy alternatives to the central topic of my speech: animal testing. And maybe, just maybe, they might be inspired to take action to stop animal testing. From a young age, she has had a deep love for animals, but her understanding of what it truly means to care for them has evolved over time. Initially, her love was expressed through playful interactions and feeding animals, but she soon realized that genuine care goes far beyond enjoyment—it involves advocating for animal rights and working to reduce animal cruelty. In her talk, she will explore a critical aspect of animal rights: animal testing, and why it is essential to take action for the welfare of animals. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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