La persévérance comme fondement de la résilience | NDOLEMBAI SADE NJESADA | TEDxMoursal
Cette présentation, inspirée de sa vie personnelle et de son parcours estudiantin aborde les aspects de la persévérance sous toute sa forme.
Pour le présentateur, la persévérance s'accompagne toujours de résilience. Le passé, tous nous l'avons. Le présent, nous y sommes et le futur, qu'est-ce chacun en pense?
Le reste dépend relativement de chacun.
Dr. Ndolembai Sadé Njesada est un leader politique dynamique et passionné qui se consacre à la conduite de changements positifs et à la promotion de connexions mondiales.
En tant que tant vice-président et confondateur de LES TRANSFORMATEURS, il a transformé la portée du parti, atteignant une croissance et une visibilité impressionnantes. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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- 4:58Finding things that pick you up instead of tearing you down | Paloma Cardoso | TEDxAKAMaputo YouthThe TED talk is about personal transformation and self-acceptance. The speaker uses their experience of breaking a vase as a child to explore feelings of being "broken" in life, then introduces the Japanese art of Kintsugi (repairing broken items with gold) as a metaphor for embracing our imperfections. The main message encourages listeners to reject society's rigid expectations, embrace their authentic selves, and surround themselves with people and influences that celebrate rather than try to "fix" their uniqueness. It's essentially a call to action for self-love and living authentically, regardless of societal pressures. Paloma Cardoso is a student at the Aga Khan Academy, Maputo, currently in the DP1 program. She has chosen English, Global Politics, and Biology as her higher level subjects, and Economics, Math Ai and Portuguese as her standard level subjects. Paloma aspires to pursue journalism in the future. Her interests in reading and surfing reflect her diverse and dynamic personality, while her academic pursuits demonstrate a strong foundation for her future ambitions. She aims to charm the audience through her tedtalk at this event. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 7:21Memories and how it relates to Kintsugi | Marie-Claude Bonaventure Simbine | TEDxAKAMaputo YouthThe TED talk is about using broken pottery as a metaphor, the speaker explains that just as shattered ceramics can be beautifully restored, our memories and experiences—even the imperfect ones—shouldn't simply be discarded. They discuss how memories form in the brain and suggest that, like Kintsugi, we should carefully choose which memories to preserve and "repair with gold," while accepting that imperfection is part of being human. Marie-Claude is one of the most intellectual DP1 student at the Aga Khan Academy Maputo. She currently has English, Global Politics, Physics has her higher level subjects and Math AA, French B and Economics as her standard level subjects with the aim of pursuing Astrophysics further in her career. Besides this, Marie-Claude also shows keen level of interest in reading, diving, and photography. Claudia is always ready to take a step forward and take every opportunity that comes her way and makes sure to charm everyone with whatever she does. She is ready to present her perspectives and thoughts in front the community with the first TEDx event at AKA Maputo. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 12:51Aging: Inevitable or preventable? | Christopher Eskiw | TEDxUniversityofSaskatchewanNOTE FROM TED: As the speaker states, please do not look to this talk for health advice and always consult a medical professional before modifying diet or supplements. Research around aging discussed in this talk remains an ongoing field of study. For more context see below.Research discussing potential safety risks and considerations related to resveratrol can be found here: the secret to living longer, healthier lives lie within our genetic code? Our DNA is the blueprint for all that we can and will become. However, there is another layer of information in our DNA called the epigenome, that acts like dimmer switches to turn longevity genes 'on' and turn genes associated with aging 'off'. As a molecular gerontologist, I explore the challenge of turning these switches on and off at the right time with the goal of extending our healthspan and lifespan. Surprisingly, the key to this mystery may be closer than we think—at the end of our forks. Dr. Christopher Eskiw (PhD) is a professor and researcher in the Department of Food and Bioproduct Sciences in the University of Saskatchewan's College of Agriculture and Bioresources. His research explores how dietary compounds influence the expression of genes associated with lifespan and aging. Eskiw completed his masters degree in anatomy and cell biology at the University of Saskatchewan and his PhD at the Institute for Medical Science at the University of Toronto. He then continued his research by moving to the UK for postdoctoral fellowships at both the University of Oxford and University of Cambridge. Eskiw was a faculty member at Brunel University, London (UK) from 2010-2013 before returning to the University of Saskatchewan and establishing his lab in nutrigenomics and genome organization. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 10:33This time for Africa | Alnoor Rahim Budhwani | TEDxAKAMaputo YouthThe TED talk uses the Japanese art of Kintsugi (repairing broken items with gold) as a metaphor for Africa's potential transformation. Despite being rich in natural resources, Africa faces widespread poverty and exploitation. The speaker examines this paradox through DRC, Ghana, and Libya, proposing a three-step solution called "WEC" (Water, Education, Control) to help Africa reclaim its resources and build a stronger future, much like how Kintsugi transforms broken pottery into something more valuable. Alnoor Rahim Budhwani is a brilliant student at the Aga Khan Academy Maputo. He comes from a noble family in Karachi, Pakistan but is currently a residential student at AKAMAP with the subject choices of Math AI, Global Politics and Economics as his higher level subjects and English, Physics and French as his standard level subjects. Alnoor is also a secretary general leader for the MUN conference that is about take place next month and besides that he is also the vice president of the student council. With his deep affection for the art of public speaking, Alnoor is always very enthusiastic to share his point of view in front of an audience. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 6:48How orphans bring our communities together | Adnito Junior | TEDxAKAMaputo YouthThis TED Talk highlights the issue of child abandonment and orphanhood in Mozambique, particularly due to parental neglect and the HIV/AIDS crisis. The speaker shares a powerful story of an orphaned baby to illustrate the struggles faced by thousands of children. Using Kintsugi—the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery with gold—as a metaphor, the talk emphasizes the importance of community support, education, and opportunity in restoring the lives of these children. It ends with a call to action, urging the audience to be part of the solution.Adnito Júnior is a student at Maputo international school pursuing Advanced level pure mathematics, statistics, Geography and English. Adnito has a deep understanding of issues within local communities and strives to eliminate them, spending every Saturday helping orphaned children with their academic journeys. Apart from this, Adnito is an avid chess player under the traineeship of Candidate Master; Neusa Castro, whom which he set to embark or opens with later this year . He aims to use this talk to allow everyone to get a deeper look into situations he has come across, encouraging people to take action around them. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 16:32The 5 Steps to Success | Eduardo Lecubarri | TEDxU ComillasThe 5 Steps to Success | The path to the top is a long one and you have a long way to go. But what if I told you that it is actually doable and within your reach? In life, like in tenis, there are 5 steps one has to take to be a world class #1… learn what they are, don’t settle for less. Eduardo Lecubarri es el Director Global de Estrategia de Small & Mid-Caps en J.P. Morgan. A lo largo de su carrera de 25 años como analista y estratega, ha trabajado casi a partes iguales en Nueva York, Londres y Madrid, obteniendo un reconocimiento significativo por parte de los inversores. Prueba de ello es el hecho de haber sido ranqueado #1 un total de 25 veces en los rankings de Excel/Institutional Investors (incluyendo los últimos 16 años de forma consecutiva), siendo también el primer analista de la historia que fue incluido en el Salón de la Fama Europeo de Institutional Investor. Todo ello le ha convierte en el analista más reconocido de J.P. Morgan a nivel mundial. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at