Il gioco delle palline rosse: di cosa siamo davvero responsabili? | Valerio Dieni | TEDxLUCCA
"Est modus in rebus: sunt certi denique fines, quos ultra citraque nequit consistere rectum."Yes, Horace was right. There is a measure in all things. There is balance, even in an era as polarized and polarizing as ours. And not only does it exist—we need it.Especially when it comes to responsibility. A term that has fallen victim to linguistic inflation, a word whose meaning we must restore—or perhaps redefine entirely.Over the past forty years, social, political, and cultural narratives have shaped a reality of hyper-responsibility, fueling the illusion that "everything depends on you." Success is seen as merit; failure, as personal fault. If you work hard and sacrifice, you will succeed. If you don’t succeed, clearly, you didn’t try hard enough.Today, as the world wakes up from this collective hallucination—thanks to journalism, social sciences, and public discourse—we risk overcorrecting, swinging to the opposite extreme of hyper-detachment: "Nothing depends on me." "If I don’t reach my goals, it’s only because the world has held me back."This shift is just as dangerous, leading to the same outcome as the previous mindset: dissatisfaction. È un esperto di comunicazione e neuromarketing, appassionato dell’efficacia delle parole sin dall’infanzia.
Dopo un primo passo nel giornalismo sportivo, si è avvicinato al mondo della pubblicità, scoprendo le neuroscienze, linguistica cognitiva ed economia comportamentale migliorando le strategie di
marketing e comunicazione. Oggi è marketing strategist per Xonex, agenzia web attiva su scala nazionale, e dal 2022 ambasciatore e docente dell’AINEM, l’Associazione Italiana Neuromarketing.
Nel 2023 lancia il podcast Wordeality, una serie che esplora come il linguaggio influenzi il pensiero e la percezione della realtà. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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