Rethinking Social Innovators in Tunisian History | Leila Bengacem | TEDxSouthMediterraneanUniversity
Social enterprises use business strategies to create wealth, and have a social mission at the same time. Social enterprises are at the balanced centre of business spectrum, between associations and businesses. Associations create social development, businesses create economic development, and social enterprises have the power to create both, social and economic development. The concept is not new, and Tunisia’s history is full of social innovators, in all business sectors and social classes. The most innovative social entrepreneur, in Tunisia’s history is Aziza Othmana, and today, the social entrepreneurship sector is still vibrant with many examples. Leila Ben-Gacem is a social entrepreneur, Ashoka fellow, working on promoting sustainable youth-inclusive tourism and cultural heritage preservation in Tunisia. She is the founder of Blue Fish consulting, Dar Ben Gacem Boutique Hotel, Dar el Harka co-working space and co-founder of Mdinti. All of Leila’s projects are social enterprises, that aim to improve the socio-economic dynamic of tangible and intangible heritage, through shared economy and community inclusive impact investments. In her past life, Leila was a biomedical engineer, and in her future life, she would like to become a writer. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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