Intergenerational Cultural Exchange for Enhancing Peace and Happiness | RURIKO SAKURABA | TEDxKatano
At the age of 66, the speaker advocates a concept called “MANMARU-SUN,” sharing her secrets to living a vibrant, smiling life. “MANMARU,” meaning a sphere, is combined with “SUN,” representing the light that illuminates everything. This idea is nurtured by “knowing,” “preserving,” and “connecting” the culture and wisdom inherited from our ancestors. For many years, she has worked as a guide in Miyazaki—a land mentioned in Japan’s ancient texts—treating people with gratitude and kindness, and she now aspires to spread the spirit of “MANMARU-SUN” worldwide.As an example, she cites the process of weaving cloth for kimonos, emphasizing the importance of learning ancestral techniques, preserving them in the present, and passing them on to the future. She also explains that by gently sharing the rich imagery of round objects—such as the earth, the moon, or soap bubbles—hearts connect, and a brighter, happier world emerges. “MANMARU-SUN” is not limited to Japanese culture; it is a universal concept that applies to all countries and regions. She concludes by saying that everyone can create a life full of smiles and vitality by carrying their own cultural heritage forward into the future. As a Japanese spirit producer based in Tokyo, she has been sharing the heart of Japan with people both in Japan and around the world. She has been guiding tours of Japanese mythology for about 30 years, allowing participants to not only learn the stories but also experience them. In December 2024, she and two companions born in 1958 founded a company, Ruriko Co., Ltd. Its activities are centered around the "Konohana Club," a Japanese cultural exchange group focusing on three themes: knowing about the culture and customs handed down in Japan from ancient times, how to preserve them, connecting them on to future. Their activities are based on a concept called "MANMARU-SUN," which represents a sphere with a warm, gentle nurtured by the richness through the spirit of "helping each other" and "thanking each other." she is committed to speak at events worldwide, and she and her co-founders aim to build "MAN-MARU-SUN" villages around the globe together. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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