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Lessons from long COVID | Bert Kallen | TEDxWageningenUniversity

Why are complex health complaints such as chronic pain or long COVID-19 a challenge for health care? And why are adequate interventions lacking for people with such complaints? They are often avoided and suddenly present major challenges, such as in the modern reality of long COVID-19 complaints. The separation of physical and mental health and the symptom focus in mainstream healthcare stand in the way of adequate solutions for complex persistent complaints. Recent scientific insights, create a completely new frame of reference and offer new possibilities for treatment. High time to shine the light on these new insights and opportunities, while highlighting past positive experiences. Bert has been working as a physiotherapist in primary care for 43 years. He is the founder of the Treatment and Expertise Centre, Center for Medically Unexplained Physical Symptoms, and developed a rehabilitation program, the SCER-program for people with Complex Persistent Complaints. He has always worked at the interface of physical and mental health care. In 2013, together with Monique Pennings (health and behavioural scientist), he published the book 'Grip op SOLK'. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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