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Onwards to Success: Perseverance, Passion and the Journey of an Educator | Hooi Chee Mei | TEDxUTAR

I will share about how life as an educator had its downside and good side and how I turned to be an English lecturer though I had a keen interest in teaching Mathematics and Sciences back then. There were struggles that I faced from Degree to Master’s to PhD but looking ahead, I tried to overcome all struggles to try to advise and motivate others. Being a passionate researcher and educator, I joined many competitions and presented in various conferences to see how I would transform myself to be a better educator to speak life to others. The reason of doing so is not to boast but I would want to see how I stand up with confidence to try my utmost best despite not winning. This is because from there, I will reflect on how to improve myself to be better. I also gained experiences from others to have collaboration in research projects and others. There were also many times that my publications were rejected from one journal to another journal, but despite being very stubborn, I continued on and finally, the publications are accepted. To my surprise, some are now in Scopus and high-ranked journals. The purpose of this sharing was to motivate others not to give up but to continue on by persevering because we would need to be daring to dream. Dr. Hooi Chee Mei is an avid researcher. She creates opportunities for scholars and students to prepare them for external competitions. She is also passionate in giving talks to speak life to others. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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