"One Day, One Life" Live each day as a lifetime | SHUHEI NAMEKAWA | TEDxKatano
Carrying the phrase “One day, one life” deep in his heart, the speaker lives by five principles taught by his mentor in Eastern philosophy. In the past, he had been obsessed with “survival of the fittest,” working nonstop until his health and family relationships crumbled. However, guided by his mentor and the presence of daughters coping with a severe illness, he came to appreciate the miracle of life and the importance of devoting himself wholeheartedly to each moment.He stresses that the trust gained by consistently practicing these five principles—protecting the person in front of you, keeping personal promises, speaking courteously yet honestly, and continuing to learn—is what is most valuable in life. By adhering to them unwaveringly, he was able to rebuild his family life, improve his company’s performance, and spread the “One day, one life” mindset to many people both in Japan and beyond. He concludes that if one resolves to live every day as if it were the last, any challenge can be overcome, bringing peace and stronger bonds to those around us.
Educator utilizing Eastern philosophy Business Advisor Entrepreneur Key Shareholder at Tamon Corporation President and CEO of Fincross digital Co., Ltd., a company jointly funded by eight regional Japanese banks After graduating from Urawa High School and enrolling at Waseda University, Shuhei Namekawa began his entrepreneurial journey early, launching a web marketing business shortly after starting university. Following his graduation, he joined Accenture, where he engaged in consulting for Tokyo Stock Exchange-listed companies. During his tenure, he achieved the globally prestigious "At the Very Top of Peer Group" recognition, awarded to the top 5% of high performers worldwide. After leaving Accenture, Shuhei embarked on a second entrepreneurial journey, founding over ten companies and serving as a strategic advisor to many businesses. In 2018, he was appointed Director at Fincross digital Co., Ltd., a company jointly funded by eight regional Japanese banks. In 2024, he assumed the position of President and CEO of the company. In his personal capacity, Shuhei also serves as a strategic advisor to corporations and financial institutions.In addition to his corporate leadership, Namekawa also serves as a strategic advisor to banks. At the core of his journey lies Eastern Philosophy. By studying and embodying Eastern Philosophy, he has achieved remarkable success and now shares these teachings as an educator. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
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