"Power with" Communities – Experiments for new Societies | Alícia Trepat Pont | TEDxInnsbruck
Her research is focused on emotions in self-organized settings. This builds the foundation of her work on how self-organized teams and communities can be places for personal growth and seeds to transform our socioeconomic system. Since 2014, she has been a catalyst for several social innovation organizations, from social start-ups, NGOs, to a women's network, to social movements. Alícia is a designer and facilitator of distributed leadership and ecosystem building. In addition to practicing these in her own communities and collectives, she has co-authored research on these topics and is currently undertaking a PhD with the Tallinn University of Technology under the Cosmolocalism project led by the P2P lab.Her research is focused on emotions in self-organised settings. This builds the foundation of her work on how self-organised teams and communities can be places for personal growth and seeds to transform our socioeconomic system.Her approach to the topic Balancing Polarity is about how being and working in power-with settings (instead of power-over), we can build new organisations that are based on incentives (principles) like togetherness and healthy systems. Her motivation comes from having spent the past ten years diving into the world of collaborative networks and communities, which for her, have been incredible spaces for personal growth and healing. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
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