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Oser tout quitter pour vivre sans regret | Céline Colette | TEDxNeoma BS Paris

Sportive de haut niveau puis cadre dans une grande entreprise, elle s’est longtemps oubliée dans une vie à 200 à l’heure. Elle met en lumière l’importance de la connexion entre le corps et l’esprit pour se retrouver. Céline Collette is a French professional who exemplifies versatility and boldness in her career path. After graduating from Sciences Po Lyon and earning a Master's in International Strategy from ESSEC Business School, she spent a decade in strategic roles at Amazon and Google. In 2023, she made a bold shift to professional beach volleyball, embodying her philosophy of building multiple lives within a single existence.Now, as an "Athlete-preneur," she merges her business acumen with her passion for sports, inspiring many with her dedication to continual learning and risk-taking. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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