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Your Inner Voice; You Need To Trust Your Instincts | Kennedy Peterson | TEDxBrentwoodCollegeSchool

Kennedy’s talk emphasizes understanding the value of our instincts and their power over the outcome of our lives. She wishes for the audience to gain greater trust in themselves and to be able to advocate for their beliefs. In this grounding talk, you will learn how small beliefs and actions can create significant impacts on overarching life experiences. From San Francisco, California, Kennedy Peterson is a keen debater and neuroscience enthusiast. As co-captain of both the Brentwood Debate program and the Research Action and Innovation in Neuroscience club, Kennedy can be found engaging in vivid discussions with her peers or scanning students’ brain waves. In her spare time, she often watches her favorite show, The Office, or chats over coffee with her friends. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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