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Hitabetin Ortaya Çıkışı ve Evrimi | Ramazan Yıldız & Tolga Günhan | TEDxGaziUniversity

Ramazan Yıldız ve Tolga Günhan, bu konuşmalarında hitabetin nasıl ortaya çıktığından ve yüzyıllar içinde nasıl değiştiğinden bahsetti. Hitabet insan toplulukları arasında nasıl ortaya çıktı? Neden bu kadar önemli bir kavram? The artist, who graduated from the Acting Department and started his professional art life, has worked as a drama, acting and diction instructor in various schools and institutions and has implemented many social responsibility projects. The artist, who started working as a state theater artist, has performed hundreds of times all over the country and met with thousands of audiences. They have transferred the Diction and Communication Academy, which they founded with Tolga Günhan in 2016, to the online education system as of 2020. The artists, who continue their studies on diction, have prepared the books “Diction with Visuals”, “The Art of Persuasion and Effective Communication Notebook” and “Doing These Things While Communicating” and presented them to their readers. The artist, who continues to produce educational content on diction on various digital platforms, continues to be in constant interaction with both his followers and students.He started his art life as an assistant at the City Theater. He acted in various places. He gave drama and diction trainings in public education centers. He worked as an acting instructor. He organized workshops, workshops and trainings for adults on diction training. He gave conferences on diction in many institutions and universities in Turkey. He organized social responsibility projects and encouraged beautiful and effective speech. He transferred the Diction and Communication Academy, which he founded with Ramazan Yıldız in 2016, to the online education system as of 2020. The artists who continue their studies on diction have prepared the books "Diction with Visuals", "The Art of Persuasion and the Notebook of Effective Communication" and "Doing These While Communicating" and presented them to their readers. The artist, who continues to produce educational content on diction on various digital platforms, continues to be in constant interaction with both his followers and students. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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