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Aging: Inevitable or preventable? | Christopher Eskiw | TEDxUniversityofSaskatchewan

NOTE FROM TED: As the speaker states, please do not look to this talk for health advice and always consult a medical professional before modifying diet or supplements. Research around aging discussed in this talk remains an ongoing field of study. For more context see below.Research discussing potential safety risks and considerations related to resveratrol can be found here: the secret to living longer, healthier lives lie within our genetic code? Our DNA is the blueprint for all that we can and will become. However, there is another layer of information in our DNA called the epigenome, that acts like dimmer switches to turn longevity genes 'on' and turn genes associated with aging 'off'. As a molecular gerontologist, I explore the challenge of turning these switches on and off at the right time with the goal of extending our healthspan and lifespan. Surprisingly, the key to this mystery may be closer than we think—at the end of our forks. Dr. Christopher Eskiw (PhD) is a professor and researcher in the Department of Food and Bioproduct Sciences in the University of Saskatchewan's College of Agriculture and Bioresources. His research explores how dietary compounds influence the expression of genes associated with lifespan and aging. Eskiw completed his masters degree in anatomy and cell biology at the University of Saskatchewan and his PhD at the Institute for Medical Science at the University of Toronto. He then continued his research by moving to the UK for postdoctoral fellowships at both the University of Oxford and University of Cambridge. Eskiw was a faculty member at Brunel University, London (UK) from 2010-2013 before returning to the University of Saskatchewan and establishing his lab in nutrigenomics and genome organization. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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