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認知が変わると未来が変わる - Perception Changes The Future | Ayako Kanie | TEDxUTokyo

私たちはみな、世界のほんの一部を知覚し、そこに自分の解釈を加えることで世界の認識しています。この「認知」と呼ばれる世界の捉え方は、私たちが生きる「現実」を規定し、私たちの感情を左右します。 認知行動療法を通して患者と向き合ってきた精神科医・蟹江氏によるトークは、私たちに認知を再構成する可能性を与えてくれるでしょう。We all perceive just a small part of the world. We then add our own interpretation to it to make sense of what is happening.This way of perception, called cognition, shapes the “reality” in which we live, and this cognition has a profound effect on our emotions. Dr. Kanie, a psychiatrist who has treated patients with cognitive-behavioral therapy, will give us the possibility to reconstruct our cognition.国立の医療機関で認知行動療法の研究に従事。現在は児童精神の診療をしつつ、感情認知VRトレーニングを開発 Currently engaged in cognitive behavioral therapy research at a national medical institution while practicing child psychiatry and developing emotional cognitive VR training. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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