It's time to break the silence on perimenopause | Dr. Manna Semby | TEDxSanDiego
We’ve broken the silence on mental health and breast cancer—now it’s time for perimenopause. Women are suffering, losing careers, and feeling isolated simply because no one is talking about it. Dr. Manna Semby reveals why silence is the biggest barrier to progress and the three critical steps we need to create real change. #Perimenopause #Health #TEDxSanDiego #TEDx #TEDxSpeaker #Speaker #Women #Women Issues Dr. Manna Semby is the founder of Aruna Personalized Medicine and the Center for Cognitive Resilience, dedicated to transforming midlife health through The Aruna Method™, a science-based, multimodal approach focused on hormonal optimization, brain health, and functional medicine. Inspired by her children’s health challenges, she left a career in finance to pursue medicine. Her own battle with breast cancer deepened her commitment to helping others and highlighted the power of functional medicine and resilience.Believing health and wellness are essential for enduring leadership,Dr. Semby collaborates with Corporate Wellness programs & HR teams to develop strategies that foster resilient women leaders, improve retention, and close the gender gap in leadership. Her work empowers individuals to reclaim vitality, build resilience, and thrive during midlife & Dr. Semby on LinkedIn: This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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