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一生只做一件事的力量The Power of Devoting a Lifetime to One Pursuit | 辜琪鈞 Ku Chi-Chun | TEDxYongkang

《一生只做一件事的力量》 內容摘要:當代藝術家辜琪鈞分享她如何透過藝術找到人生的專注與熱情。在演講中,她探討了藝術如何成為實現目標的強大媒介,並揭示了創作過程中的啟發與挑戰。專注的力量不僅改變了她的生命,也讓她找到幫助他人發現熱情與方向的使命。 Summary: Renowned contemporary artist Ku ChiChun shares how dedicating her life to art has helped her discover focus and passion. In this talk, she explores how art became a powerful medium for achieving meaningful goals. Ku reveals the inspirations that fueled her journey, the challenges she overcame, and how the power of focus transformed her life and mission to help others uncover their passions. 辜琪鈞,當代藝術家,以書法與膠彩為核心創作媒介,將傳統技藝融入當代藝術語境。作為頂尖藝術學府的畢業生,她取得膠彩技法專利,為傳統藝術注入新生命。2021年,她創立蝶映藝術(DE International),支持超過300位藝術家參與國際展覽。2025年,她於法國成立藝術之光協會(ASSOCIATION DE LA LUEUR ÉCLAIRANTE DE L’ART),推動台歐文化交流與藝術創新。辜琪鈞的作品亮相於多國國際博覽會與美術館。她憑十年的熱情與專注,打造跨國藝術生態系統,並啟發他人勇敢追求使命與夢想。Ku ChiChun, an internationally acclaimed artist, specializes in gesso painting, blending traditional techniques with contemporary art. A graduate of a top art institution, she holds a patent for her innovative methods. In 2021, Ku founded DE International in Taiwan, supporting over 300 artists in global exhibitions. In 2025, she established the ASSOCIATION DE LA LUEUR ÉCLAIRANTE DE L’ART in France to promote Taiwan-Europe cultural exchange and artistic innovation.Ku’s works have been featured in international art fairs and museums. With a decade of passion and focus, she has built an art ecosystem that inspires others to pursue their dreams. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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