Ageless Ambitions | DEVANG SHARMA | TEDxSTS Dwarka Youth
He shares about the stereotypes we often build in our minds about older people. Age is just a number, and he debunks the myths around ageing and slowing down after a certain age. These stereotypes need to be questioned and redefined, as nothing in life can stop you. Devang holds the position as the current head boy of the prestigious institution, as he has embraced his leadership role with poise whilst maintaining heartfelt relations with others. Devang is also an accomplished anchor and has spoken at a plethora of events; such as his institution’s Annual Day and exchange programs. He also fosters an ambitious passion towards music, having produced songs and excelling at a variety of instruments such as guitar and piano. Devang’s vivacious dedication towards his peers and other members of his community drives his mindfulness to promote empathy and inclusivity. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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- 9:32A Educação para Liderança | Danilo Amaral | TEDxActon Academy llhabela YouthFormando líderes: A importância das virtudes desde o início da vida escolar. Danilo Amaral é um empresário apaixonado pela educação, com uma missão clara: preparar crianças para os desafios do mundo real. Reconhecido por sua visão prática e inovadora, ele dedica-se a promover avanços significativos no desenvolvimento educacional no Brasil. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at