Ageless Ambitions | DEVANG SHARMA | TEDxSTS Dwarka Youth
He shares about the stereotypes we often build in our minds about older people. Age is just a number, and he debunks the myths around ageing and slowing down after a certain age. These stereotypes need to be questioned and redefined, as nothing in life can stop you. Devang holds the position as the current head boy of the prestigious institution, as he has embraced his leadership role with poise whilst maintaining heartfelt relations with others. Devang is also an accomplished anchor and has spoken at a plethora of events; such as his institution’s Annual Day and exchange programs. He also fosters an ambitious passion towards music, having produced songs and excelling at a variety of instruments such as guitar and piano. Devang’s vivacious dedication towards his peers and other members of his community drives his mindfulness to promote empathy and inclusivity. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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- 15:06Ce Caută Oamenii Ăștia pe Aici? | Alin Ușeriu | TEDxBaiaMareAlin Ușeriu ne poartă pe drumul introspectiv al Via Transilvanica, o călătorie care dezvăluie frumusețea ascunsă a României și reconectează oamenii cu rădăcinile lor. Povestind despre diversitatea etnică, comuniunea cu natura și valorile universului rural, el subliniază importanța unui vis mai presus de planuri. Este o invitație de a redescoperi țara „la pas”, unindu-ne în jurul a ceea ce ne definește: respectul pentru natură, tradiție și Dumnezeu. Alin Ușeriu este o figură emblematică în activismul civic și ecologic din România, cunoscut pentru dedicarea sa în protecția mediului și dezvoltarea durabilă. În calitate de co-fondator și președinte al Asociației Tășuleasa Social, Alin a inițiat proiecte remarcabile care promovează educația ecologică și conservarea naturii.Cel mai notabil proiect al său este Via Transilvanica, un traseu de peste 1.400 de kilometri care traversează inima României, conectând comunități diverse și promovând turismul sustenabil. Acest traseu evidențiază frumusețea naturală și culturală a regiunii, susținând în același timp conservarea patrimoniului.Alin este un lider practic, implicat direct în acțiuni de reîmpădurire și educație pentru tineri, inspirând comunități întregi să adopte un stil de viață responsabil față de mediu. Prin eforturile sale, a contribuit semnificativ la formarea unei conștiințe ecologice în România, devenind un model de inspirație pentru generațiile viitoare. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 18:07Modelarea unui Destin | Tibi Ușeriu | TEDxBaiaMareTibi Ușeriu, ultramaratonist și câștigător de trei ori al 6633 Arctic Ultra, ne arată cum imposibilul poate deveni posibil. Printr-o poveste de anduranță, transformare și depășire a limitelor, Tibi ne învață să continuăm drumul, indiferent de greutăți, și să ne atingem cel mai bun potențial. La capătul fiecărui efort ne așteaptă podiumul – dacă avem curajul să nu renunțăm. Tibi Ușeriu, născut acum 50 de ani într-un sat de la poalele Munților Călimani, este simbolul transformării și al depășirii limitelor. Crescut într-o familie marcată de violență domestică, a plecat din țară înainte de a-și termina liceul, căutând un trai mai bun. După o perioadă tumultuoasă, marcată de infracțiuni și o condamnare de 10 ani într-o închisoare de maximă securitate din Germania, Tibi a revenit în România și și-a regăsit sensul alături de fratele său la organizația Tășuleasa Social.S-a implicat în proiecte sociale și de mediu, devenind ambasador al Via Transilvanica, un traseu de 1.400 km, și organizator al maratonului Via Maria Theresia.Tibi a găsit în alergare o nouă pasiune, câștigând de trei ori consecutiv ultramaratonul 6633 Arctic Ultra și alte competiții extreme. În 2017, și-a publicat autobiografia, 27 de pași, devenind un exemplu de reziliență și schimbare. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 17:55Dream Big! | RUMIT WALIA | TEDxSTS Dwarka YouthHe finds it peculiar to be creative about environmental protection. Transformation and technology teach us that nothing is constant, and so is the environment. He also takes us on his journey and inspires us with his achievements. He is a creative environmentalist and peace builder who embarked on my planet-saving journey at twelve. Growing up with a farming background, he developed a deep connection with nature. With over a decade of experience managing programs and nonprofit organisations, he has moderated numerous national and international conferences, events, panels, and podcasts. He was the youngest participant in the 2024 Environmental Engagement and Economy group for the Indo-Pacific of the State Department's International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP). He is involved with Russia's World Youth Festival Directorate, advocating for Dialogue, Peace and Culture. He manages Youth Affairs at Earth Day Network and is an Advisor to several Youth Organisations. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 18:02Wildlife Conservation | ANIMESH KAPOOR | TEDxSTS Dwarka YouthHe passionately shares his thoughts on wildlife, the environment, and humans' role in protecting animal habitats. He feels that being more compassionate and responsible towards nature is the need of the hour. He is the Eco Roots Foundation's trustee and chief ‘Think Tank’. His work experience spans sixteen years, from corporate to NGO. He is actively involved in environmental protection and wildlife conservation. He has conducted multiple workshops to promote biodiversity conservation and established medicinal nurseries and gardens focusing on native plants. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 22:11A Culinary Journey through time | Koushik Shankar | TEDxPodar World CollegeChef Koushik Shankar, known as "The Mad Chef," is a visionary in Indian cuisine with over 25 years of culinary expertise. A graduate of IHM, his innovative approach blends traditional flavours with modern creativity, earning him widespread recognition. Koushik founded Eatitude Gourmet Technologists, a consultancy that has supported over 40 brands in Chennai and collaborated with global clients. His popular ventures, such as Maplai, are celebrated for their fusion of South Indian flavours with unique twists. A mentor to budding food entrepreneurs, Koushik has also made his mark on television and cinema, appearing on shows like MasterChef Tamil and serving as a judge in films. His commitment to continuous learning and passion for food innovation have shaped India's culinary landscape, making him a driving force in the industry today while mesmerising us with his delectable creations, one taste bud at a time.Date: 14th December 2024Venue: Podar International SchoolOrganised by Aahaan Shekhar, Nami Sanghani, Sargam Bijoor & Assad Khatri Chef Koushik Shankar, known as "The Mad Chef," is a visionary in Indian cuisine with over 25 years of culinary expertise. A graduate of IHM, his innovative approach blends traditional flavors with modern creativity, earning him widespread recognition. Koushik founded Eatitude Gourmet Technologists, a consultancy that has supported over 40 brands in Chennai and worked with global clients. His popular ventures, like Maplai, are celebrated for their fusion of South Indian flavors with unique twists. A mentor to budding food entrepreneurs, Koushik has also made his mark on television and cinema, appearing on shows like MasterChef Tamil and as a judge in films. His commitment to learning and passion for food innovation have shaped India's culinary landscape, making him a driving force in the industry today This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 12:41從捐一台車, 到捐一里路 | 陳曼嫻 | TEDxTainan Salon偏鄉地區的居民因交通問題,面臨就醫與教育資源不足的挑戰,該如何解決?本次演講帶來全新視角——除了捐一台車,可以捐一里路,透過訂閱式交通服務與科技派遣系統,將醫療、教育與生活串聯起來,為偏鄉居民創造穩定、便利的移動生活圈,讓每一段路都為社會帶來正向改變。 現任裕隆集團總管理處公共事務部經理,負責集團公共事務與ESG永續策略推動。過去20年服務於台灣在地汽車集團,關注台灣高齡社會的交通問題解方,啟動「幸福輪轉手」公益計畫,推動台東南迴偏鄉醫療交通專案、9453友善小旅行、雙北高齡長照無障礙交通計畫等。2023年創新打造「愛的里程數」公益平台,透過數位與創新交通設計,串連更多食、醫、助、行的社會參與,讓交通作為地方創生的微血管,用移動服務讓企業ESG發揮最大效益。 This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at