Painting Your Financial Picture: What colors are you using? | Hans Nguyen | TEDxHCMIU
In an era of economic uncertainty, particularly with rising global inflation affecting young people's financial stability, the need for effective money management has never been more critical. Hans Nguyen's talk will address the challenges of navigating today's complex financial landscape. He will provide practical insights on how to gain a clear understanding of one's financial picture, set realistic financial goals, and make informed decisions. Drawing on his extensive experience in investment management and private banking, Hans will offer strategies to overcome the anxieties of financial decision-making and empower individuals to take control of their financial futures. His presentation aims to demystify financial planning and provide actionable advice for building a solid financial foundation. Hans Nguyen is a financial expert who will be speaking at TEDx HCMIU.
- Investment Manager at Zurich Insurance Group in Zurich, Switzerland.
- Over 10 years of experience as a Financial Advisor in Private Banking & Wealth Management at UBS AG across Zurich, New York, and Luxembourg.
- Lead Advisor for Private Client Advisory at Dragon Capital.
- Dedicated to sharing his extensive knowledge and experience in financial management. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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- 17:15Il gioco delle palline rosse: di cosa siamo davvero responsabili? | Valerio Dieni | TEDxLUCCA"Est modus in rebus: sunt certi denique fines, quos ultra citraque nequit consistere rectum."Yes, Horace was right. There is a measure in all things. There is balance, even in an era as polarized and polarizing as ours. And not only does it exist—we need it.Especially when it comes to responsibility. A term that has fallen victim to linguistic inflation, a word whose meaning we must restore—or perhaps redefine entirely.Over the past forty years, social, political, and cultural narratives have shaped a reality of hyper-responsibility, fueling the illusion that "everything depends on you." Success is seen as merit; failure, as personal fault. If you work hard and sacrifice, you will succeed. If you don’t succeed, clearly, you didn’t try hard enough.Today, as the world wakes up from this collective hallucination—thanks to journalism, social sciences, and public discourse—we risk overcorrecting, swinging to the opposite extreme of hyper-detachment: "Nothing depends on me." "If I don’t reach my goals, it’s only because the world has held me back."This shift is just as dangerous, leading to the same outcome as the previous mindset: dissatisfaction. È un esperto di comunicazione e neuromarketing, appassionato dell’efficacia delle parole sin dall’infanzia. Dopo un primo passo nel giornalismo sportivo, si è avvicinato al mondo della pubblicità, scoprendo le neuroscienze, linguistica cognitiva ed economia comportamentale migliorando le strategie di marketing e comunicazione. Oggi è marketing strategist per Xonex, agenzia web attiva su scala nazionale, e dal 2022 ambasciatore e docente dell’AINEM, l’Associazione Italiana Neuromarketing. Nel 2023 lancia il podcast Wordeality, una serie che esplora come il linguaggio influenzi il pensiero e la percezione della realtà. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 15:32La cura dell'arte | Sofia Uslenghi | TEDxLUCCAArt has existed for as long as humanity itself; the creative impulse is a necessity of the soul.What can art do for us? Whether for the creator or the observer, it can have a therapeutic effect. It confronts us with our shared human condition, fostering empathy for our fears and stirring emotions that, without a single word, express what we often struggle to verbalize. Nasce a Reggio Calabria e cresce tra Messina e Brescia, per poi trasferirsi a Parma e infine a Milano. Inizia a usare la macchina fotografica a vent’anni, dedicandosi all’autoritratto come strumento di autoanalisi, esplorando il rapporto con il proprio corpo e l’estetica del femminile. Le sue opere si evolvono per raccontare il senso di spaesamento e nostalgia creatosi attraverso i numerosi spostamenti, intrecciando autoritratti, mappe e fotografie di famiglia, per ricostruire una storia personale fatta di radici e migrazione. Le sue mostre hanno raggiunto Paris Photo e Photo London, e dal 2023 Sky Arte le dedica una monografia nella serie Le Fotografe. Nel 2024, nella personale Casa/Terra/Io alla Galleria Lampo, ricrea spazi domestici che evocano un “nomadismo malinconico” e universale. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 17:59You're Next | Anil Swarup | TEDxIIMBGIn this thought-provoking talk, Mr. Anil Swarup, former Secretary of the Government of India, shares powerful insights on taking ownership of change and driving impact. He emphasizes how each of us has the potential to be the next catalyst for transformation—if we choose to step up. Are you ready to be next? Anil Swarup is a distinguished former civil servant, author, and thought leader, widely respected for his integrity-driven approach to public administration. As the Coal Secretary of India (2014-2016), he played a pivotal role in restoring transparency and efficiency in coal allocations, spearheading the implementation of a successful auction system that transformed the sector. His strategic reforms reshaped the coal industry, ensuring accountability and better resource management. Following his impactful tenure in the coal sector, he served as the Secretary of School Education and Literacy (2016-2018), where he introduced revolutionary changes in India's education system. His books, Not Just a Civil Servant, Encounters with a Politician, and Ethical Dilemmas of a Civil Servant, provide deep reflections on public service and policy-making, offering valuable lessons for professionals and aspiring leaders. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 16:43A Simple twist of fate: luck in Lucca | Rick Hutton | TEDxLUCCAA compelling story that begins in swinging London in the early 70s and the unfolding of unexpected events that bring Rick Hutton and his friend Clive Griffiths to Lucca. What ensues is the hilarious tale of how Video Music started, in the private broadcasting TV station of Tele Elefante in Garfagnana and how it was Rick and Clive who started it from nothing to 3/4 million listeners within a few months. From then on life is a fun party for them that brings the two showmen around the world to perform and to interview rock stars and celebrities and carry on the life experience of being 20 years old. Music is their life, rock and roll their fuel and the tale of music in the 80s that Rick talks about at TEDxLucca is both an honor and a joy to listen to. Icona della musica e della televisione, nasce nella Liverpool degli anni ‘50 e vive la “swinging London” dei ‘60, dove inizia a suonare rock con la sua prima band. Negli anni ‘80, si trasferisce in Italia e diventa il volto di Videomusic, la prima TV musicale europea. Rick presenta artisti internazionali a Sanremo, lavora con Ronnie Wood e collabora con leggende come Joe Cocker e Billy Preston. Attualmente, vive tra Toscana e Londra, conduce un programma radiofonico rock e anima eventi come il Porretta Sweet Soul Festival. La sua passione per il rock e il soul resta immutata, rendendolo un’icona intramontabile. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 16:39Intelligenza Artificiale quantistica per contare senza contare | Marilù Chiofalo | TEDxLUCCAIn an interdisciplinary study with one of my closest friends, a neuroscientist, we discovered that a simple quantum neural network—unlike complex conventional neural networks—can simulate our ability to perceive numbers without actually counting, known as the "sense of number." Remarkably, we perform this task with surprising accuracy. Yet, the underlying reason remains a mystery.This sense is also deeply intertwined with our perception of time and space, likely sharing a common neural mechanism.From this foundation, we developed QoolNeSS, a program aimed at designing quantum artificial intelligence capable of replicating this integrated sense, as well as the brain’s ability to store and retrieve vast amounts of information and synchronize neural activities in response to even chaotic external stimuli.Is this immense descriptive potential merely a mathematical phenomenon, or could it be an emergent quantum property of our brain?Scienziata e divulgatrice appassionata, oltre a insegnare dalla fisica di base ai liquidi quantistici, conduce ricerche su stati quantistici per simulare problemi di fisica fondamentale, biologia e neuroscienze. Con oltre 150 pubblicazioni e numerosi progetti internazionali, unisce rigore scientifico e innovazione educativa. Ex assessora di Pisa, coltiva l’umanesimo scientifico anche nella vita pubblica e si dedica alla divulgazione con format che fondono scienza, arte e gioco. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 15:35Anatomia del futuro: il corpo dei robot nel mondo di oggi | Manuel Catalano | TEDxLUCCAIn today’s world, robots are no longer just machines programmed for specific tasks—the fusion of their intelligence and physical form has become a crucial tool for interacting with humans and the surrounding environment.This talk explores how robots and their bodies are envisioned and designed, analyzing movements and forms that either mimic human biology or create entirely new possibilities. We will discover how these artificial bodies not only enhance their operational capabilities but also shape the way they connect with us, influencing fields such as medicine, labor, and everyday life.Through the anatomy of robots, we will take a glimpse into the future of human-machine coexistence. Ricercatore presso l’IIT, Principal Investigator del JOiiNT Lab di Bergamo, professore esterno all’Università di Bergamo, e all’Istituto Marangoni di Milano, collabora anche con il Centro E. Piaggio dell’Università di Pisa e la Mayo Clinic (USA). Lavora nel campo della robotica per la cooperazione umana e la riabilitazione. Ha sviluppato dispositivi protesici come la SoftHand Pro e il SoftFoot Pro e robot umanoidi come AlterEgo. Con collaborazioni internazionali e numerosi premi, mira a rendere le tecnologie robotiche accessibili, migliorando la vita quotidiana. La sua missione è accompagnare l’evoluzione tecnologica dell’uomo con strumenti che siano sviluppati “da uomini per gli uomini” portando le persone e i loro bisogni al centro della progettazione. Le sue tecnologie nascono in Italia e trovano applicazioni su scala mondiale. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at