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Il lato bello e utile del rifiuto | Maurizio Giani | TEDxLUCCA

Each of us generates waste every day—urban waste, produced in our homes, or special waste, generated by industries. Proper waste management is essential. Too much valuable material, which could be recovered and given a second life, is lost in landfills or disposal facilities.To keep awareness high on recovery, reuse, and recycling, 26 years ago, an artistic and communication project called SCART was launched, involving trash art artists and students from Italy’s top fine arts academies. Pioneering an innovative path that blends ethics and beauty, SCART has built a collection of over 1,000 pieces, including furniture and design components, sculptures, paintings, musical instruments, stage costumes, and set designs.The ambition of Project SCART is to engage an ever-growing audience in discussions on circular economy, sustainability, and the environmental impact of waste—when not properly sorted—using the universal language of art. Laureato in Scienze dell’Economia e dell’Organizzazione Aziendale, ha una lunga carriera nel settore dei rifiuti industriali, iniziatanegli anni ’90. Dirigente di Waste Recycling Spa, ha contribuito a trasformarla in un’impresa leader nel trattamento dei rifiuti pericolosi e non, oggi parte del Gruppo Hera. Dal 2019, ricopre il ruolo di Direttore Marketing e sviluppo nuove iniziative di Herambiente SpA. Dal 1998 cura SCART, un progetto artistico di “Waste Art” che valorizza i rifiuti trasformandoli in opere d’arte. SCART ha ricevuto il prestigioso Corporate Art Award nel 2017, confermando il successo della visione di Giani: unire arte e sostenibilità per sensibilizzare il pubblico. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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