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Beyond Colonial Shadows: Rediscovering Our Cultural Heritage | Asad Raza | TEDxISL Pine Youth

Asad explores Pakistan’s national identity crisis, critically analyzing the country’s detachment from its cultural roots. He argues that colonial history has embedded a foreign lens through which Pakistanis view their language, culture, and history. He emphasizes the erasure of indigenous traditions and the rise of an inferiority complex, particularly through the dominance of English. Asad highlights the extinction of cultures, like the Mohana tribe, as a result of this cultural neglect. His talk challenges the widespread acceptance of foreign influences and calls for a return to authentic cultural identities, advocating for the preservation of Pakistan’s rich heritage. Presenting our Student Speaker and the Head Boy for ISL Pine Avenue, Asad Raza. Mined from the rich earth of Kallar Kahar, traversing the vibrant landscape of the country, and experiencing the diversity of Pakistan, Asad has become one of the gems that have taken on the responsibility to carry the torch of the past into the future. Having fluency in six languages through his indulgence in the stories and tales birthed from this land sparked his deep passion and advocacy for the revival of the indigenous languages of Pakistan. “Without our connection to our languages we are lost, having abandoned our only guide.” Inspired by literary giants, he too has picked up the pen with an ambitious project to publish a collection of his poetry in six languages. His activism has also seeped into his school life, in his relentless campaigns for the introduction of a Punjabi section in the school library alongside his awareness campaigns centred around the revival of indigenous languages. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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