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How to calculate risk in a changing climate | Mel Reasoner | TEDxSelkirk College

As greenhouse gas levels rise, extreme weather events will become more frequent, pushing critical climate thresholds that threaten built and natural systems. A novel probability-based approach now enables planners to assess the risk of threshold exceedance over time, helping communities and organizations identify vulnerabilities, prioritize actions, and enhance climate resilience. Dr. Mel Reasoner, PhD Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Alberta.Since moving to Nelson in 2004, Mel served on the steering committee for the City of Nelson’s Community Energy and Emissions Action Plan and contributed to the City’s ‘Path to 2040’ planning process. Beginning in 2007, Mel’s work with the All One Sky Foundation’s Climate Resilience Express program and the Columbia Basin Trust’s climate change programs involved the compilation of historical climate records and model projections for dozens of communities in Alberta and British Columbia and the delivery of many climate science presentations for these initiatives.In recent years, Mel has been working with Climatic Resources Consulting as a climate scientist. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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