Changemaker: Redefining Possibilities | Innocent Mutanga | TEDxHSUHK
orn in Zimbabwe, Innocent Mutanga arrived in Hong Kong as a refugee in 2013 with only 200 HKD and faced homelessness. However, he refused to let adversity define his future. He pursued higher education, becoming the first refugee to enroll in an official academic program at CUHK, majoring in Anthropology. Later, he joined a global investment bank, where he optimized trading systems through automation. In 2019, he founded the Africa Center Hong Kong, a social enterprise dedicated to enhancing black consciousness and fostering cultural exchange in Asia. The center runs over 700 programs annually, engaging educational institutions, corporations, NGOs, and individuals in discussions on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), social innovation, and experiential learning. In this talk, Innocent will share how he transformed his struggles into opportunities, from being a refugee to a finance professional and social innovator. His journey challenges us to rethink limitations and embrace a more inclusive world. Innocent Mutanga, born in Zimbabwe and arriving in Hong Kong in 2013 as a refugee with only 200 HKD, overcame homelessness. He studied Anthropology at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, becoming the first refugee in an official program. Later, he worked at a global investment bank, optimizing trading systems through automation.In 2019, Mutanga founded the Africa Center Hong Kong, a social enterprise enhancing black consciousness in Asia. It offers over 700 annual programs to about 1,000 people weekly, involving educational institutions, corporations, NGOs, and individuals. The center focuses on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI), Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), social innovation, experiential learning, and cultural exchange in food, arts, and literature. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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