How collective remembrance builds community | Robert Jackson | TEDxJacksonville
Robert Jackson, an afrofuturist & poet, reflects on loneliness and the importance of collective memory.Jackson emphasizes the power of shared memories in fostering community and identity. He speaks about how holding on to family stories helped him break his isolation and inspired his work for Remembrance Day, a concept aimed at elevating elders and creating mutual holidays for collective remembrance.In an increasingly fractured and siloed America, Remembrance Day will be a call to action — to listen, to watch, and to learn from those who’ve come before us. He believes that elevating and celebrating storytellers, especially our elders, can ignite a spirit of radical curiosity.#Remembrance, #Storytelling #Memory Robert Jackson, an Afrofuturist and entrepreneur, is not just working to create more equitable systems for black and women-owned businesses.Since the launch of Cypher in 2021, Jackson has helped his clients acquire $1.2 million in grant revenue for black- and women-owned businesses. His belief in emergent strategies that intersect progress with recovery and healing is a testament to his innovative thinking.Remembrance is a campaign for resurfacing shared values and rebuilding intergenerational communities that nurtures our interest in the bonds we’ve forgotten. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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