From rough to polished | Naseem Banu Lahri | TEDxLytteltonWomen
Like a natural diamond, Naseem’s journey to the top has not been without discomfort and grinding.
Years later she shines bright and the crushing she endured was all worth it!
Her story unpacks growing up in the village of Moshupa in Botswana, finding herself stuck in the wrong academic stream in university and making the bold step to choose courage over comfort and follow her dreams. Naseem Banu Lahri is a seasoned Executive Leader with more than 18 years of experience in the mining industry. She has a Masters in Strategic Management (BCOM, FCCA) and has held key strategic roles throughout her career. In May 2018 she was promoted to the position of Managing Director at Lucara Botswana, being the first woman and the first Motswana woman to serve in this capacity for a diamond mining company in Botswana and the youngest female MD in mining in the world. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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- 10:39Bucuria de a învăța se învață. Momente din 136. | Laura Verde | TEDxPiataUniriiEDLaura Verde aduce în atenție realitatea educației într-un mediu vulnerabil și puterea transformatoare a școlii în comunitate. Discursul său explorează cum empatia, respectul și încrederea, mai degrabă decât mila sau resemnarea, pot schimba destinele elevilor. Ea evidențiază rolul profesorului nu doar ca educator, ci și ca model de sprijin și înțelegere, arătând cum literatura poate deveni un instrument esențial în cultivarea unei viziuni echilibrate asupra identității și diversității. EN: Laura Verde brings to attention the reality of education in a vulnerable environment and the transformative power of school in the community. Her speech explores how empathy, respect and trust, rather than pity or resignation, can change students’ destinies. She highlights the role of the teacher not only as an educator, but also as a model of support and understanding, showing how literature can become an essential tool in nurturing a balanced vision of identity and diversity. Laura Verde este profesor de limba și literatura română la Școala Gimnazială Nr. 136 din Ferentari, având o experiență de peste 22 de ani în educație. A fost director al școlii timp de opt ani și face parte din comunitatea Teach for Romania. În 2023, a publicat cartea "Fața celor fără de chip. Imagini ale identității rrome în literatura română", în care analizează formarea stereotipurilor și impactul acestora. Prin activitatea sa, promovează educația incluzivă și creează un mediu de învățare care oferă fiecărui elev șansa de a deveni cea mai bună versiune a sa.EN: Laura Verde is a teacher of Romanian language and literature at Secondary School No. 136 inFerentari, with over 22 years of experience in education. She was the school’s principal for eight years and is part of the Teach for Romania community. In 2023, she published the book "The face of the faceless. Images of Roma identity in Romanian literature", in which she analyses the formation of stereotypes and their impact. Through her work, she promotes inclusive education and creates a learning environment that gives every student the chance to become the best version of themselves. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 11:25The Physics Behind Time Travel | Sri Karanam | TEDxIS Brussels YouthExploring the physics behind time travel. Sri is a high school student. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at