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Integrity in Business for Success in this World and the Next | Sanzar Kakar | TEDxShar e Naw

Can integrity be the key to true success? In this talk, explore how maintaining strong values in business leads to prosperity in this world and prepares you for success in the next. Mr. Sanzar Kakar is the Chairman of Afghanistan Holding Group (AHG), a professional services firm in Afghanistan employing over 300 employees serving 700 international clients for over 13 years. Mr. Kakar graduated from the University of Pennsylvania with a Bachelors of Science in Computer Science Engineering and from Warwick Business School with a Masters in Business Administration. He first worked for Merrill Lynch as a Technology Analyst, creating a link for automatic reporting to the New York Stock Exchange. He started in Afghanistan as an Investment Associate for Acap Partners, setting up a $20 million venture capital facility and sourcing over 300 new opportunities for consideration. Mr. Kakar then joined as the Executive Advisor to the Attorney General’s Office of Afghanistan on a U.S. Department of State program to reorganize the institution and set up a national paper and computer criminal case management system spanning 7 justice institutions. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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