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Erase "Why Don't You Leave" in Domestic Violence Conversations | Desirey Elizabeth Delara | TEDxSHSU

As we seek to support victims of domestic violence, we need a clearer understanding of the barriers many face when it comes to immediately leaving their situation. Developing advocacy skills requires us to understand power, control, and the right questions to ask to ensure the victim is safe before they determine their path out of an abusive relationship. In this talk, Desirey Elizabeth Delara offers questions and perspectives needed to aid victims of domestic violence, and provide resources that are centered in advocacy and communal support. Desirey Elizabeth Delara is a senior at Sam Houston State University (SHSU), majoring in Criminal Justice with a minor in Victim Studies. As she’s grown up, her passion has been to become someone to whom the victims of our world can turn. Becoming a voice for those who don’t have one is her main goal and passion for doing this talk. Involved with her community, she is a part of the SHSU Honors College, furthering her education to the highest potential, as well as volunteering at local community events. Desirey interned with the Montgomery County Women’s Center and found this to be impactful and eye-opening, wanting to share her knowledge and experience with those around her. After graduation, she hopes to continue pursuing a career as a Victim Liaison. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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