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Finding your Katei | Yasmin Hesham | TEDxABIS Youth

Yasmin talks about having to deal with life's most unexpected crisis, traveling to Egypt at a young age alone, coping with loneliness, and how she managed to create a home for herself in her new reality, when the Covid-19 pandemic hit.. Yasmin also deals with the discovery of her diabetes type 1 diagnosis, and how having a good support system, learning to embrace life and learning adaptability got her through all her challenges. Yasmin Hesham is an architect and an interior stylist, who beside her work academically is well known for her Instagram page specializing in interior design tips. Her Instagram handle is Katei, which means 'home' in Japanese, which exactly is the purpose behind her blog, as she believes that through interior design, and little passionate touches a house could be really turned into a home. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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