A Canvas of Hidden Allusions | Dr. Jamshed D. Sunavala | TEDxJaslok Hospital and Research Centre
The Beauty of Paintings and what they signify is beautifully explained in this TEDx talk. The perspectives we have or rather need to appreciate the deeper meanings of a painting is illustrated in this story Dr J. D. Sunavala is the Director of Critical Care at Jaslok Hospital & Research Centre and has been working in the field of Critical Care and Internal Medicine for more the 40 years. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
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- 17:56離岸風電 | 欣潔 汪 | TEDxTsai Hsing High School身為文組生的汪欣潔女士 本來是一名報社記者 後來轉戰能源領域。作為沃旭的董事長,汪女士分享了她如何推動離岸風電領域的創新,協助公司在可再生能源市場中佔據領先地位,致力於實現更環保的未來。 擁有企業傳播、行銷管理及公共事務等豐富經歷,國際和區域專案經驗遍及英國、台灣及亞太地區。 協助推動全方位離岸風產業價值鏈發展,成功提升沃旭在台灣和亞太區的知名度及影響力,並與重要利害關係人建立長期良好夥伴關係。 引領沃旭台灣團隊在離岸風場開發、建造、運維階段持續深耕市場,協助台灣落實能源轉型目標。 以台灣經驗出發,拓展沃旭在韓國及澳洲等亞太新市場開發。 This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
- 16:25峰迴路轉的歌手之路 | Dena 張 | TEDxTsai Hsing High SchoolDena分享了她峰迴路轉的歌手之路 從小熱愛音樂的她以知名英語歌手為偶像 最後把夢想變成了現實 。Dena用音樂一路披荊斬棘,也用她的故事鼓舞著在場的每一個人。 以考駕照四次失敗及感情碰壁的灰心為出發,訴說如何擁抱自己的全新單曲《我又EMO了》現正熱播中。 2024 與新世代創作歌手『JOYCE就以斯』發行創作單曲《dumb af》Spotify 熱播榜 2024 發行全英單曲 《on read》 Spotify 熱播榜 no.7, KKBOX 西洋榜 no.3 2023 受邀與國際葛萊美獎製作人James Fauntleroy, Ant Clemons 一起寫歌+主持工作坊 2022 『走鐘獎』入圍好好聽音樂獎 2022 訪問新生代國際巨星 Olivia Rodrigo, keshi(合唱), Lauv, LANY(合唱) 獲頒美國『Berklee 柏克理音樂學院』近兩百萬獎學金 康熙來了被蔡康永譽為擁有『高級的聲音』 日本『Avex愛貝克思』唱片公司國際選秀決選|準冠軍 近期作品:《dumb af》 《on read》 《我又EMO了》 This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
- 5:40Echoes of the Oud | Larsa Band | TEDxBaghdadA mesmerizing performance showcasing the rich melodies of the Oud, blending tradition and harmony in a captivating musical journey Larsa Band was founded in 2024 under the leadership of Maestro Fadhel Al-Mayah, a graduate of the Institute of Fine Arts.The band presented its first concert on the Iraqi National Theater. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
- 17:32我的無國界醫師旅程 | 伊蕾 王 | TEDxTsai Hsing High School王醫師曾在烽火連天的阿富汗、伊拉克等地,用專業與愛心為當地婦女接生,為生命帶來希望。在分享中,她以真摯的故事和生動的描繪,讓我們看見戰火中的生命奇蹟與接生的艱辛。她坦言,能在戰亂中守護新生命,正是她選擇這條道路的初衷,也是支撐她一路走來的堅定理由。 最高學歷:國立陽明大學醫學系 前台北榮民總醫院婦產科專科醫師 中華民國婦產科專科醫師 前台北榮總不孕生殖科臨床研究員 幸福婦產科診所負責人 Obstetrician/Gynecologist of MSF in Khost Maternity Hospital, Afghanistan (Dec. 2018- Mar. 2019) Obstetrician/Gynecologist of MSF in Nablus Hospital, West Mosul, Iraq (Sep. 2019-Dec. 2019) 專科醫師:中華民國婦產科專科醫師/人工生殖技術施術醫師 This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
- 21:16Vehicle Safety Tech & Traffic Deaths in Iraq | Dr. Husam Muslim | TEDxBaghdadSubstandard vehicle design significantly contributes to the high rate of traffic-related deaths and disabilities in Iraq. By improving vehicle safety design, it is possible to save over 5,000 lives annually and reduce disabilities by 50%. Adopting Global NCAP testing protocols and UN vehicle safety standards can play a pivotal role in reducing traffic crashes and advancing Iraq’s progress toward Sustainable Development Goal 3.6: halving road traffic deaths by 2030. Dr. Husam is an accomplished researcher specializing in Automated Driving Systems (ADS), human factors, and traffic safety. With a Ph.D. in engineering from the University of Tsukuba, he has significantly contributed to defining global safety standards, publishing high-impact papers, and leading innovative experiments on driver behavior and automation. At the Japan Automobile Research Institute, he bridges cutting-edge research with real-world applications, focusing on scenario-based evaluations, traffic safety in low-income regions, and advanced driver assistance systems. Fluent in Arabic, Japanese, and English, Dr. Husam is also a dedicated mentor, educator, and collaborator, working with institutions worldwide to advance mobility safety and accessibility. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
- 13:10How important is our voice? | Hussein Mohammed | TEDxBaghdadHow important is our voice? Is the question Hussein thoroughly explores—from the earliest recordings of the human voice, to its profound connection with our brain and mental health, and ultimately its role in shaping our human identity. This talk takes the audience on a journey through the worlds of voice acting, psychology, artificial intelligence, law, and the very essence of artistic expression.Our voice is more than just a tool for communication; it’s a key to our identity and a window into our mental and emotional state. Hussein delves into how our voice has evolved from its first-ever recording in 1860 to its role in today’s technological world. He reveals how the tone of our voice reflects emotions and influences how we are perceived, while also exploring the powerful connection between voice, brain, and mental health.As AI-generated voices become more prevalent, Hussein raises ethical concerns about deepfakes and identity protection. From iconic voices like Stephen Hawking’s to AI recreations of lost voices, this talk underscores the significance of preserving the authenticity of the human voice in an increasingly digital world. Hussein is a professional Voice Actor and a pioneer in his field with various international works on anime, video games, commercials, and everything in-between; All from his home studio in Baghdad, Iraq. Hussein's voiced characters ranging from young adults to seniors and even dragons, and has works both in English and Arabic for companies like Samsung and Coca-Cola. Outside of his voice-over work, he's a show host, media personality, audio engineer, and even a music artist with a self-produced 12-track album. He's also a graduate from the distinguished Baghdad College High School with a GPA of 95/100, and plans to pursue higher education. Hussein is a business man and a skilled artist through-and-through. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx