How multilingualism helps me navigate the world | Soundarya Lahari Keesara | TEDxHaarlem Youth
Those who can navigate multiple languages will be best prepared to thrive in this new world. I understand that having a “global language” or “lingua franca” like English is useful, however, I have realised that our native languages tie us to who we are, our heritage, and our roots. We simply can't risk losing it. This is my story realsining the importance and interplay of language and culture. Soundarya Lahari Keesara is a 17 year old high school student who has grown up experiencing multiple cultures. As a third-culture child and a multilingual, she aims to invite people to practice their native languages in a world where English is becoming the dominant language, paying homage to their roots and heritage. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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