語る、聞く、語り直す、ともにいる - Tell, Listen, Retell, Be Together | Natsumi Seo | TEDxUTokyo
瀬尾夏美さんは、災禍の記憶が残る土地を旅して、そこできいた人々の語りを詩や物語、絵などの芸術表現を用いながら別の土地の人たちと共有し、対話の場を生み出す活動をされています。当事者にしかわからないこと、当事者だからこそ伝えられないこと、そのどちらもを尊重しながら、それでもみんなが対話に参加し、孤独を癒し、前に進める場を開くにはどうしたらよいのか。鍵になるのは、「物語」の果たせる役割です。Seo Natsumi travels to lands marked by the memory of disasters, listening to the stories of the people there and sharing these narratives with others via artistic media like poetry, prose, and painting, creating spaces for dialogue. How can we create spaces where everyone can engage in dialogue and find solace from solitude to go ahead, embracing the fact that there is something only those directly affected can understand or they may find difficult to express? The key lies in the role that "storytelling" can play.Travelled around the world with the theme of ""unspeakability,"" creating paintings and writings while considering the language of the land and the record of the landscape.
“語れなさ” をテーマに各地を旅し、土地の言葉と風景の記録を考えながら、絵や文章をつくっている。 This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
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- 7:40Astrophysics & Global Issues : The Hidden Crisis of Light Pollution | Shivam Narhari | TEDxYouth@NMS“Stars are our only way to look into the universe and beyond” In his enlightening talk, Shivam Narhari shares his deep fondness for the stars, which may be superficially appreciated by us but their scientific value in our lives goes unrecognised. Urbanisation and industrialisation have caused the visibility of stars in our sky to reduce. And why, you may ask, does that matter? It has birthed a problem rarely talked of- light pollution. It refers to the overuse of artificial lights and lack of natural light on the earth. Light pollution is not restricted to sciences, research and people like Shivam, who are enthusiastic about astrophysics and astronomy; it impacts our present and our future. Some insightful examples were how birds need stars to navigate through the sky. Shivam throws light on an experience that is most relatable for us humans- gradually decreasing attention span, focus and drastic changes in behaviour. Through his vast knowledge, Shivam convinces the listeners how light pollution has blinded our way as innovators. Light pollution is not hard to solve but hard to track. Some intelligent measures to reduce it are using motion sensor lights, and sky quality metres that can quantify light pollution and give us accurate data. At the consumers’ level, it is crucial to raise awareness. We must switch off lights when not in use and try to make use more of the natural light resources. Most people don’t know something like light pollution exists. Once our masses are aware, the solutions are easy to implement. Small changes in our way of living make the life of all our species easier. Shivam’s passion about the vastness of the universe resonates with the audience creating a realm of the stars of our future, who will know and will act. Shivam Narhari, with a robust foundation in computer programming, aerospace & technology, has been honoured as the winner of various national level competitions like ISRO’s National Space Innovation Challenge. He has undertaken research about supernova light curves & neutron stars with professors at esteemed colleges like the Oxford University & Harvard University. His leadership at the Astronomy Club, Physics Club and STEM course at Neerja Modi School reflects his determination towards enhancing the minds of his fellows and integrity of purpose. From an early age, he has been playing the piano among large audiences and has also composed MIDI beats through his knowledge over the years. He has Transformer-themed Youtube channel, leading a team of 10 volunteers to spread awareness about the effects of urban light pollution to advocating education for the underprivileged. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
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