終點不是一個人踏入的 | 理莎 雷 | TEDxTsai Hsing High School
雷里莎曾經陷入迷惘,不確定自己參加比賽究竟是因為真正的熱愛,還是僅僅渴望勝利。那段時間,她一度因迷失自我價值而走上了偏離的道路。然而,在家人無私的關愛和支持下,她逐漸找回了初心。這段過程中,發生了許多感人至深的故事,成為她人生中珍貴的轉折點。 日法混血兒,爸爸是德法混血,媽媽是日本人
大阪馬拉松作為初馬,跑出2:56:01佳績,首次挑戰馬拉松就登上歷代第 18 傑。
2022台北馬拉松國內女子冠軍2:40:55 This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
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- 4:56Musical Performance Part II | UM & KUNA Freestyle Show | TEDxLjubljanaHave you ever thought about what it would look like if freestyle rap and improvisational theatre were combined into one show? Let us introduce you to the UM & KUNA Freestyle Show – a unique experience in Slovenia where words, freestyle rap, and improvisational theatre become one. UM & KUNA create rhymes in real time, on a topic chosen by you – the audience! Visitors were in for an evening of surprises, creativity, and fresh rhymes, accompanied by DJ L.T. who took care of the background music.For the first time on the TEDxLjubljana stage, we introduced this exceptional improvisational music performance that took visitors into a world they helped co-create.At the event, we asked the visitors, “Which word best describes the energy of TEDxLjubljana today?” They had to write down only one word or phrase. Answers were sent through the Mentimeter platform which displayed them on the stage screen in real time. UM & KUNA Freestyle Show chose a few of them and created a meaningful improvisational rap. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx. UM & KUNA Freestyle Show – a unique experience in Slovenia where words, freestyle rap, and improvisational theatre become one. UM & KUNA create rhymes in real time, on a topic chosen by you – the audience! Visitors were in for an evening of surprises, creativity, and fresh rhymes, accompanied by DJ L.T., who took care of the background music. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
- 9:01Musical Performance | Manca Berlec | TEDxLjubljanaManca Berlec is a songwriter and multi-instrumentalist from Kamnik. She has been playing and writing original music from a young age. She first made a name for herself performing at songwriting festivals and on TV shows. A few years ago, she released her debut album, “Gola” which features introspective and gentle songs. She says that she was in a long hibernation, which she ended with her performance on our TEDxLjubljana stage. On the TEDxLjubljana stage she performed the songs, “Slike” and “Gola”. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx. Manca Berlec is a songwriter and multi-instrumentalist from Kamnik. She has been playing and writing original music from a young age. She first made a name for herself performing at songwriting festivals and on TV shows. A few years ago, she published her debut album “Gola” which consists of introspective and gentle songs. She says that she is currently in a long hibernation, which she will end with her performance on our TEDxLjubljana stage. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx