The power of awareness for shaping a better world | Rosemary Reed | TEDxOltrarno
Rosemary, a trailblazing leader in the entertainment industry, has dedicated her career to empowering women and promoting diversity and equality. As the founder of POW TV Studios, she has transformed storytelling by highlighting the strength and resilience of women worldwide.Through her talent agency and philanthropic work, Rosemary continues to amplify women’s voices across industries and support vital causes, from domestic abuse prevention to environmental conservation. In this talk, she shares how cultivating awareness can drive meaningful change and inspire a better, more inclusive world. Rosemary is a distinguished leader in the entertainment industry, dedicated to championing women’s empowerment, diversity, and equality.
As the founder of POW TV Studios, Rosemary has redefined how women’s stories are told, producing powerful narratives that celebrate the strength and resilience of iconic women across the globe.
Rosemary’s career began with an early introduction to the entertainment world as a fearless horse stunt rider. She quickly transitioned into organizing high-profile events, which laid the foundation for her first successful venture—establishing a talent agency that represented A-list artists.
This experience honed her skills in talent management and led her to evolve into producing and directing, where she has since created impactful projects known for their authenticity and influence.
She has had commiosned over 135 critically acclaimed tv shows to main broadcasters
Recently, Rosemary has added under the umbrella of POW Studios – POW Talent Agency , it focuses exclusively on representing female talent across various industries, from sports and arts to literature and global influence.
POW Talent Agency is committed to ensuring that women’s voices and talents are not only seen but celebrated worldwide
In addition to her work in entertainment, Rosemary is a leading advocate for women’s rights and a dedicated philanthropist.
She serves as President of Soho House’s 10:10 Club and plays a pivotal role in The Ned Club globally, where she empowers women through curated panels, workshops, and speaking engagements.
Her efforts of late are particularly focus on supporting the older woman providing them with platforms to continue thriving in their careers.
Rosemary’s commitment to social causes extends beyond her professional endeavors.
She is an ambassador for Refuge the UK leading domestic abuse charity and was instrumental in founding The First Step Domestic Violence Center, underscoring her dedication to supporting vulnerable women.
As a trustee of the Jane Goodall Institute UK, Rosemary passion for palantary matters and the animal kingdom leads numerous initiatives, including school tours and fundraising events for the Roots & Shoots program.
Additionally, she is on the advisory board of Centrepoint, the UK’s leading charity for homeless young people, where her efforts have raised substantial funds and awareness.
Rosemary’s journey is one of unwavering dedication to creating a world where women are empowered and their contributions recognized. Whether through her TV productions, her talent agency, or her philanthropic work, Rosemary continues to make a lasting impact on society. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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